Recently Answered Questions on Candiforce


Fungal infections in private parts

Fungal infections in my private parts,Dr advised to take candiforce 100 for 15 days bd. With per and cream
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Oral Thrush and mouth ulcers

I have been facing oral thrush for past 3 months, I have used Candiforce tablet for 2 months and now changed to Flucanozal 50 mg tablet for a week.
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Regarding dosage

What is the procedure of taking dosage of candiforce 200mg and alaspan 10 mg and lulifine cream for fugal infection??
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Recurrent Ring worm

I have got ringworm a month ago.i applied candid cream and it went off.In a week it reappeared and asked my friend who is a doctor and took candiforce tablet.after stopping it ,im again having it.plz suggest me what i should do. Thanks in advance.
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Skin problem

Sir ,I am having fungus.I went to the Doctor and he has wriiten me 4 medicines.. Medicines are 1)TRFY cream 2)Candiforce 100 mg 3) Vozine 4)Cetrizine So how to take medicines ,and what should be the time of taking medicines..
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Fungal infection

My fungal infection gone and come why i have tinea cruris i have taken tarbinaforce 250 .1.5month with histakind 180 and 1week candiforce 200 and aply lobate gm neo tube
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Fungal infection externally near vaginal

Fungal infection near vaginal area from about 2 months. I have tried taking candiforce. Applied terbinaforce but till when I take medicine it's fine otherwise returns back
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Fungus infection

Fungus on back, armpit, genital areas. I took candiforce. Two times for 15 days. But after sometime , fungus spreads again. I am also applying terbinaforce ointment. It also shows temporary result like candiforce tablets. On genital areas it has been about six years of fungus infection and I took zimig ointment also for it which also gave temporary result. Can I go for homeopathic treatment.
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Recurring ringworm

It's been 9 months I'm having ringworm.. firstly it was just on the abdomen... I consulted a general physician, she prescribed me Candiforce capsule for 14 days.. after those 14 days it started spreading near the groin area n I took candiforce capsules for another 14 days.. it never subsided n started spreading on my thigh region.. after many months it is not visible but itching sensation still persists.. help!!!
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Crackling sound in one ear

I have taken candiforce 100 mg tablet for fungal infection in thighs . After that I can feel  cracking sound in right ear  while swallowing. Earlier I had  little heaviness in my this ear only. No cold no fever. What may be the reason for cracking sound?
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