Recently Answered Questions on Candiforce


Skin issue, stretch marks, fungal infect

I m having fungal infection according to Doctor since 1 months, also getting treatment for the same by taking various medicines (Candiforce 200 twice a day and also O2 derm cream) now the stretch marks has come and they are getting spread. Can you please advise any other cream which is non-steroid and also one of my friend advise to use Alograce bathing bar (mankind) is it safe to use ?? Please advise thank you
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Fungal infection

I m suffering from fungal infection from 8 years . Fungus is around my genital area. I have taking candiforce itraconazole 100 mg . Fungus got regenerated when u got stop my medicine. Plz helo dr. And provide me sure n certain care
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Ringwarm problems

I can facing ringwarm problem since 2 month but one of doctor give me one type of injection and told to use tablet like candiforce-200 upto 45 days.i can use can control only few this time it can start itching rashes circle on thighs,feets. Plz suggest any antifungal cream or tablets.
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I have a fungal infection for 6months

I have a fungal infection for last 6months in my thighs and hips..there are red circles with full of itching.i had many tubes apply of this area like Onabet,Canesten S,Ceflox Fc, and for this time i m also take a medicine terbest 250,candiforce but there is no improvement..please help me out for this itching. Note:me and my wife had a same problem
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Skin boils

My husband has suddenly developed red boils over the body...Majorly on face and head. The boils in the head oozes out water as well. Someone told him its a fungal infection and suggested candiforce 100mg. He is having it since more than a  week but the boils till exists. He never had any kind of allergies before.
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Fungal infection

I am suffering with fungal infection from three years at groin area .i had used tablets like candiforce100,flunconzole,terbinafine etc..creams like candiforce ,keto b etc..but I got some side effects like chest pain gastric problem etc so please help me to suggest better medication...I can't live normal life property.
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Fungal infection

Hello doctor, I had a severe fungal infection plus itcing. Doctor prescribed me surfaz powder and 'Syntran itraconazole capsules 100 mg for 15 days. Capsules are quite costly. Can I replace these capsules with itraconazole candiforce 100 mg capsules?? Please help me.
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Serious fungal infection

Dear Sirs, I have ring worm/fungal infection to my Groin region since 2 years, its getting worse, I have contacted many dermatologist,but no use, I am fedup with this infection, inner thigh discolored to black, I took medications of Candiforce 100mg, I am frustrated & lost my mind Please help. Suggest any good medicine
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UTI and Trichomoniasis

I am suffering from UTI and Vaginal infection from last 1.5 month! I have received different antibiotics during that period! But UTI is not going away! Now I am receiving amikacin injections with some other antibiotics according to my urine culture report! In my current report there was Trichomonas++ which wasn't there in my earlier reports! My Doctor is giving me Candiforce 200 and Candid CL Vaginal Gel for it! Is that the right antibiotic for Trichomoniasis? And how did I get Trichomoniasis? Can it be transmitted non sexually? Because my partner is not infected he had got himself tested! Please help I am really worried! Will it go away by Candiforce and Candid CL gel or do I need to take some other antibiotics!
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Vaginal irritation

Hello, I have been facing vaginal irritation since 3-4 months. I have consulted a gynaecologist and they've prescribed me zocon 150 first and when it didn't help then candiforce 200. I have tried v wash also. None of these helped. I apply clean and dry cream and it helps to some extent but not helping much now. Vulva is swollen all the time. There's clear watery discharge also sometimes. A lot of itching happens please help me. Thank you.
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