Recently Answered Questions on Candiforce


Jock itch with burning on testicles

I am suffering from jock itch {tinea cruris} and i have a very serious case from more than 4 months . I am using candiforce 400mg, levocet 5mg and oint. Betnovate C and these r improving the condition but there r side effects too like i have a very severe redness and burning on my testicles .pls help me
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Jock itch with burning on testicles

I am suffering from jock itch {tinea cruris} and i have a very serious case from more than 4 months . I am using candiforce 400mg, levocet 5mg and oint. Betnovate C and these r improving the condition but there r side effects too like i have a very severe redness and burning on my testicles .pls help me
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Severe eczema

I am suffering from 3 layer severe eczema since past 2 year.Now a day I am taking candiforce 200 capsule,but found no improvement.Please advice me what can I do.I am 63 year old.This eczema cover the whole area under the waist.I also used boiled neem leave over it but no improvement. Please guide me.
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Vaginal itching

I am suffering from itching and burning sensation around the vaginal and rectum area since last 1 month. I applied magnoitch cream and took candiforce 200 for 14 days, post which I had some relief. However, it came back once I stopped the medication. There are no blisters or redness or soreness visible. Its just the itching. Please help.
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Ear skin itchiness

Hello Docs From last 3-4 days, my ears skin is itching tooooo much. Maybe I was using an unclean mask or pillow. The ears skin is feeling rough and itching. What must be the reason. Local doctor prescribed me Betnovate GM and candiforce tablets 7 days. Is it sufficient
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Red dry patch

I noticed a red circular patch on my breast 2 days back. Inside the circle its dry. It isn't itchy. Ytoday I noticed it on my abdomen and on back also. I ate candiforce and all in one medicine also im applying pandorum cream. But it is spreading.
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Skin alergy..on bottom of legs nd hand..

Algery nd scar on foot ... nd recently it occurs on hand... i have applied pendrumm plus...cream... And taken candiforce 100mg nd ebaste ... some improvement but not cure 100%..i have attach pic .. pls revert soon...
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Suffering ringworm for 2 years

I had ringworm 2 years ago in the groin area and I was having medicines since then...the ring disappeared for some time but it reappeared again...I also had "candiforce 200" for 3 months but still there is a ring in my butt I don't know where is the problem... In the medication or in my lifestyle... Sir please suggest me some tips like how many times should I bath a day... Should I use hot or cold water for bathing... Should I wash underwear with dettol... Etc...
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Fungal infection

I was on tour for three days and due to which i took bath but wear the same under, due to i got some redness over my jock and itching i took some cream like OXO-OTC but it doesn't cure completely today i have taken 1 tablet candiforce 100 mg. the problem is from 1 week.
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Stretch mark and fungal infection

I'm suffering from stretch marks in the thigh both side from 6month and we are also talking medicine such as candiforce 2007mg stechnil cream bio oil and permethin cream but no more results gain to cure for strech mark if you know for this disease for treatment so tell me. And if you see image to affected aria so give me Whatapp no or another possibility is available so tell me sir
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