Recently Answered Questions on ALFOO


6 mm right upper uretic kidney stone

Dear doctor, I have pain in my right side above of groin area and in scrotum( testicles). I do USG and kub x-ray doctor said I have 3 stones.01 is 6mm is upper uretic area and other 2 are in lower calyx in to kidney with size of 4 and 5 mm. Currently I m taking tab dynapar tab amifru tab alfoo. Is this stone pass naturally. What is cause of testicles and kidney side pain is my stone comes lower area and near by baldder area. Is is pass naturally.please suggest.
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Having cold, cough and fever 101 F.

Dear Doctor, I am 41 years old. I have fever between 100 to 101 F for the past 6 days. I have cold, cough, sneezing. I initially had Dolo 650 three times. Later consulted GP, 2 days ago. GP has given me Taxim O, Xyzal5mg, and asked me to have paracetamol medicine upon having fever. I am having these medicine for the past 2 days. Fever of 99.8 and above keeps coming again despite having these medicine for the past 2 days. What could be the reason? I have severe GERD for past 10 months, Uritcaria, Asthma, kidney stone of 3mm. Taking medicine for GERD Nexpro L. Taking Alfoo 10mg. What blood test I have to do? What could be the reason for slight fever and cold? Please advise.
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Bleeding post Stent removal,ureterosco

Hi, I had went under PCNL for kidney stone (20 mm approx) removal from my Left Kidney 35 days ago. A stent was placed which was removed 20 days ago & ureteroscopy was also done. Since then I have been on Faronem +Veltim-s for a week, Then I was on zenflox+Alfoo for another week and now I am on Uripil. Initially right after the stent removal, I experienced severe burning in urethra while urinating and after that with blood discharge at high level. But as I continued taking the above prescribed medication from my surgeon it decreased gradually. One of the major problem was I felt severe discomfort during erection. Still today as I am on uripil, It burns while urinating, 1-4 drops of blood pass out right at the end of urination and erection still hurts. Kindly suggest..
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Frequent urination for past one month

I have frequent urination problem from last one month . Took ultra sound of abdomen and found that there is post residual urine of 100 ml even after urination. I feel like urinating after every 30 mins to one hour. I don't have any pain in bladder just under my pennis there will some urgency for urination like a itching it urgency I don't know how to say that. After Uroflowmetry test my doctor said that flow of urination is not normal so there must be some obstruction in tract. Doctor gave me tablets for 45 days and asked me to come after that with new Uroflowmetry test if it's not normal we need to do cystoscopy he said . I too tablets for 20 days but no improvement and sometimes the problem is severe so consulted another urologist he asked me take RgU after seeing that he said everything is normal and said I have psychological problems.he asked me to take another tablet named alfoo and asked me to come after ten days I need one solution I am not able to concentrate on my work.
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Urinary Pain

I am 32 yrs old male having urine pain from the past 2 and half years. Feel stinging pain in penis tip when bladder is full and pain eases as the urine is passed. Unmarried never had any sexual relationships. Recently undergone cystoscopy and used medication for 1 month for urethritis (bladder is fine) as per the urologist but no change in symptoms. Consulted a different doctor, undergone urodynamics/uroflowmetry tests and outcome is urine flow is not proper, weak bladder and now using tab Alfoo 10mg and urotone tablets from the past two weeks. There is little change in symptoms as of now. Sometimes i feel worried. Please suggest.
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What's causing the back pain

Hello, For last one year or so I've been having mild back pain and numbness in my left outer thigh. Numbness got aggravated since last two months and so did lower back pain. I did my spine MRI. A month ago I started having urinary problems. Frequent urination, weak urine stream, low urine output, retrograde ejaculation. I did ultrasound abdomen and pelvic region. It mentioned changes of cystitis. I did my PSA (Total PSA: 2.21,  Free PSA 0.885, Ratio: 40%). I did my prostate MRI to put my mind at ease. It showed PIRADS-2 grade lesion and changes of prostatitis. I took antibiotics and now on Alfoo tablet. Orthopedic doctor says that my spine MRI is not very concerning and back pain can be because of prostatitis. Urologist says back pain is not caused by prostatitis. Why is it that even after a month I am still having urinary issues? What is the exact cause of the back pain? Could it be something serious like prostate CA? I am worried. Attaching prostate and spine MRI reports.
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Hi Doctors I am having weak urine stream from past 8-9 months. I am having recurrent UTIs same as last year due to weak flow and urine dribbling..RGU is normal, Uroflowmetry shows weak urine flow. .Transrectal ultrasound is normal..abdomen USG is normal..I have IBS too.. alfoo 10 mg opens up my flow (but increase my heart rate) but I have pain sometimes in perinium and testicals and a heaviness in the lower stomach with weak urine flow and urgency to urinate and NOT able to control pressure and more tha 10 trips a day for urination. . what could be the reason as it seems to be a never ending problem and has majorly affected my day-to-day life. Can IBS cause recurrent UTIs and all the above symptoms? As RGU eliminates the possibility of urethral stricture..What could be the reason, please help. I had RGU done in January 2023. For how much time its valid? Thanks
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Burning sensation on passing urine

Indications Burning sensation on passing urine Ache in perineum and rectum Tingling sensation all over the body Slight to moderate (varies day to day) pain over middle part of butt cheeks vertically downward the back of thigh. Some Sudden body movements tense the rectum sphincter muscles and the inside of penis. Even in normal situations the sphincter muscles, solar plexus region and the belly remain tensed which causes ache in perineum rectum areas. Burning sensation inside the solar plexus region Above indications been for 12 years now age 32 years Recent Ultrasound scan showed no abnormalities, test results of urine showed no abnormalities Recently Took Alfoo 10 mg and Bacstol 100 mg for 6 weeks with no effect except increased tingling all over body and tingling to the point of feeling weak in the right hand.
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I haveclonam0.5mg

Dear Doctor, I have clonam 0.5 mg on alternative days to get sleep. I have Cetrizen for Urticaria. Romilast 10mg for Asthma. At times Nebistar 2.5 mg for high BP. My question shall I have Clonam 0.5 mg to get sleep? What is the side effect? I was prescribed clonam 0.5 mg by Psychiatrist in 2008. I have been having it from then when ever I want to sleep. I nowadays feel nervous problem but very slightly. I am not in a job for last 5 years, not married. I am obese man age 38. I am depressed. I don't know what to do in life? I have no friends and no relatives, except for my sisters and Mother. My father died in 2008 at Hospital OP theatre while being given angio dye. That shook me, and my confidence. I don't get sleep due to worry. I don't know whether all these medicines can be had together? I have Bifilac, Alfoo 10 mg, Taxim-O 200 mg for E coli infection in urine culture and semen culture another infection. Urologist has given me these medicine. Lots of medicine.
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Frequent urination and burning

I have frequent urination and burning last 1 week but i used to have frequent urination problem for last 2-3 years but i drink lot of water usually so thought it's normal. I urinate 12-13 times a day and drink 2-2.5 litres of water. My urine flow is normal. , i got tested USG abdomen and I am not diabetic. USG diagnosis - cystitis and urine culture -;e.coli 10 to the power of 7 cfu/ml. I am talking levofloxacin 500 and alfoo 10mg every night last 2 days Today my urine culture report came out. I attached here. My symptoms not improved. What are the causes of UTI in men? I am circumcised. I have used my saliva as lubricant and masterbate and sometime after food and it might have caused the UTI? I used to get burning  sensation after applying saliva on my penis. I am worried as i read men in UTI is rare
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