

Wrist pain from 10 days

I am having wrist pain from last 10 days. I lifted weight 2 months ago and felt pain that time . But i got subsided but now from last 9/10 days suddenly feeling pain again. I went to ortho he took n xray n said ulnar tendinitis. But now my concerns is whenever i search it on google about wrist pain it shows related to arthritis. Can arthritis give you pain only in single wrist . There is no visible swelling and stiffness. I am really worried after searching on google . Please help if this could be because other reason or arthritis. Does arthritis swelling noticeable by eyes or it is just little swell ?
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Left hand and arms pain

I am 25 year woman. I have a two year old child whom I carry most of the time. Also I work as a Tax Consultant so I have to type a lot recently I started feeling hand pain. What could be the reason Can I take calcium and vitamin d supplements. Please suggest
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Wrist pain

I am having wrist pain from last 10/12 days. Before 2 month i have lifted heavy weight and then i got pain in same location. And it was subsided later. But now from last 2 week i m having wrist pain issue ulnar side. Whenever taking pushup position it is paining. What could be the reason. Google showing wrist arthritis. can arthritis start in wrist and no visible swelling there. Only pain when i move or put pressure on wrist
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High uric acid

I have high uric acid at 13.5 , since I had gout on my heel and wasn't able to keep my foot down, i visited doc who proscribed medicine for uric acid. I already have a bp reads b/w 140/90 to 155/105. Also I have thyroid at TSH level of 10. My weight is 85 kg. My question is are all these interconnected and should I be aware of some other organs too? What should I do first
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Need to check about alternate tabs

Pls confirm, attached alternate medicines are ok or not?? 2nd and 4th tabs from prisciption is not available so we bought alternate which is mentioned in 2nd attachment.
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Buttocks and lower back pain

I am suffering from severe buttock pain and lower back , from last one year continuously following rheumatologist in last two year my all reports are negative and mri was normal , ESR 7 CRP 2 , i am taking TOFACITINIB 5 mg daily from one week , but there is no improvement in pain , i want to know  what other disease mimic symptoms of AS ,just symmetrical buttocks pain lower back pain
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Mpv and ra factor is high

Hello doctor..i am a female, 31 years old..i got these blood tests done as referred by an orthopedist as i got a muscle tear in my wrist..i have attached the reports..my mpv is very high..it is 16.1..whereas it should not exceed 10.. Also my ra factor is 13.4...whereas the normal range is less than 14.. Pls tell me should i be worried about it? Should i start any course of action?
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Knee pain for year

I have had a knee pain for a year...now one famous doctor said it was not from the structural problem my joint is fine only...it may be coz of some vitamin deficiency or for some another reason...asked me to get some reports like d3, ra factor etc and go for rheumatologist to check...i want to understand what is the possibility of any problem...and what to expect from reports, and what path to go to...i am little confused coz i haven't heard this type of doctor...this is a first for me...please guide me. Thank you
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Rheumatology and joint pain

I am having joint pain from last one month. Recently I got my blood test done. SGPT 91 and SGOT 45 is high. Further Anti streptosylin O is high at 239. all other test CRP, RH, ESR Calcium, CBC and Uric acid are normal. Kindly advise course of action. EKG and ECG done in February were normal.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Doctor prescribed me Saaz DS tablet twice a day. However, for a second opinion when I consulted another Dr, he prescribed Tofacitinib. I am confused as i have heard that Tofacitinib is given to patients where Saaz tab doesn't work. Doctor told that Tofacitinib is more effective and potent medicine. Does it have more side effects than saaz tab?
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