Mental Health



Does olanzapine increase the level of dopamine in your brain for bipolar disorder.???Does olanzapine increase the level of dopamine in your brain for bipolar disorder.???
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Health Anxiety

I am suffering from health anxiety since I was 12 years old. It really makes it difficult for me and gives me panic attacks. I really want to overcome this gets even worse when I am actually sick. I always end up thinking I am going to die or I might have a chronic disease. Even the slightest of discomfort in my body makes me panic. I lost my father at an early age and since then I have been feeling health anxiety. I see people around me go about their lives without any worry and I really want to feel normal. Even the slightest fever or headache or pain makes me worry. Everyone around me tells me I need to grow up and stop overthinking but I really try my best. Still I can't help these thoughts.
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Hi all I have a habit of calling someone again and again. No matter how hard i try I still keep calling . This person is irritated by you and disturbed. I still feel like talking to him. I don't know what I am looking for . I just can't stop myself and keep connecting to him . He has told me multiple times that he does not want to connect but i still keep on doing the same. Calling n texting. Am I suffering from any mental health issues
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Sleep disorder

Just before eyes going to close for sleep,right the same time feeling sudden breathing block and awake from the bed immediately. .. Why it's happening very tensed.
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Consultation needed

Can anyone give me free consultation.i need now but not in the situation to afford.please help.please provide contact no.
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OCD permeanent curable with medication ?

Hello, OCD is permeanent curable with medication and in how many days permeanently curable ? Can you please tell ?
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Hungry even after eating, tiredness

Feeling hungry even after consumption of food along with constant restlessness and brain fog. Also feeling constant irritability and feeling like crying.
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Hi I keep calling a guyagain and again. No matter how hard I try i can't stop myself. He has blocked me from everywhere and does not want to be in touch.. I have a habit of constantly nagging him by calls and messages. I'm not able to hold myself but now I want to come out of this and move on. I wanted to check what kind of mental health concern I have and how can it be resolved
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Feeling low and emotionally low

I had a C section 1and half years ago . This is my first child . I have heard about postpartum depression that occurs within one year after your delivery . I am not sure about the things I feel low and at times I literally start crying and for some small reasons or think about something and my eyes starts to tears and even at times I feel like I am not worth of living I am not sure but recently I came across a video that says you can have have postpartum depression even after 2 years of time ,so is it true ? And does these symptoms mean that I have any kind of depression that has to be clinically tested or treated
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Psychological Problem

Since Seven Days My Girlfriend Facing These Type Of Symptoms:- 1. Weird Imagination - Demons, Black Magic, Creepy Things 2. Lack Of Sleep - Mind weakness, Feel Heavy Brain, Blurred Vision, Full Body Weakness 3. Conciousness & Fear Increase 4. Brain Is Very Tired And Active 5. Scary & Weird Dreams Help Me To Identify That What Kind Of Problem She Is Facing, Is There Any Kind Of Disorder Or Something ? If There Is Anything Than Suggest Me Some Tips To Overcome It
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