Recently Answered Questions on VALUECEF-O


Corona less severe in blood o group

Respected doctors is that true blood group decide severity of in corona does blood group o less risk in developing corona I heard from kk Aggarwal
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A+ B+ baby blood group is O- why??

M harshika patel female My husband is B+ blood group and my blood group is A+ then why my baby blood group is O- ?
6064 Views hidden

O+ woman and b- man compatibility

I am 29 year women with o+ blood group and my partner is 31 year man with b-. Can there be any problem in pregnancy and childbirth?
1119 Views hidden

O level is 1.160, how level is 1.180

I suffer from fever from one week I got checkup for typhoid it's results is o=1.160,H=1.180 is it typhoid
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Pure O OCD

I have pure o ocd from last 12 years in which I get unwanted images of body shape, male and female genitals which disturbs my daily life a lot. It becomes so difficult for me while communicating to others. I consulted doctors in KGMC, Lucknow and recently in Nimhans, Bangalore and was on medication Nexito-20 mg 2 tablets daily once at night since last 6 years and Now I am 11 weeks pregnant, so stopped taking those medicines after getting pregnant without consulting my doctor as I have relocated.My symptoms are getting worsen since last 2 weeks. Please suggest if I can take any alternative medicine.
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Salmonella typhi O

My neutrophils is 84% Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 23mm/hr Pus cell 5-6/hpf Salmonella typhi O 1:160 Salmonella typhi H 1:160 Salmonella paratyphi ah negative Salmonella paratyphi bh negative Negative for dengue and malaria Rbc 5.61million /cmm Platelet count 2.13 lakhs/cmm Haemoglobin 16.2 gm/dl Wbc 7000cells/cumm Doctor has advised me to get admitted but I can afford to lose time.
3503 Views hidden

Taxim O for 1month old baby

Hello, My baby is diagnosed with Acute gastroenteritis and doctor suggested Taxim O dose 1.5ml twice a day for 5 days . Is it safe ?
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C/o severe itching and swelling

C/o severe itching and swelling since 2 months No pain during defication Sir treatment Diagnosis? what may be the reasons for this ? What type of anus sir ? What is the treatment for this sir ?
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How t o remove hickey in few hours.

How t o remove hickey in few hours. Is there is any ointment if ice therapy don't work . Any other way or ointment to make it work.
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B positive blood against o negative

Hello dr. I'm a boy with B positive blood group and girl with O negative blood group so can i able to have healthy child
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