Recently Answered Questions on VALUECEF-O


Sucrafil o gel after Mucaine mint

Good day, I was prescribed Mucaine mint 15 ml three time daily for 5 days for gerd .After that on 6 th day medicine was changed and now I have been prescribed sucrafil o gel 10 ml twice daily for 15 days.Kindly suggest wether it is safe to take these medicines for these many no. of days?
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Follicular Study w/o medicone

What should be avg follicle size on day 16 of a 33days cycle? I am getting my follicular study w/o medicone and the doc says that its very less, bur my cycle length is exactle 33days so does this mean that i am ovulating or not ? Also i have pcod. Could there be other reasons for the follicles not growing.
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Mother O+ Father B+ Child A+, Possible?

My wife's blood group is O+, My blood group is B+ but my child's blood group is A+. Is it possible?Could the child be someone else's?The blood groups mentioned are confirmed from laboratory twice, hence no doubt about blood groups being incorrect. Which kind of specialist doctor should I consult to discuss this topic?Some articles say to do DNA test.I would like to know what is the exact name of the test which I should tell the laboratory?Any insight would be of great help.
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Finding are s/o PCOD with a dominant

ADENEXA: Both ovaries show multiple cortical cysts varying in sizes from 4.4-7.6mm with increased stroma.A dominant follicle of size 22.7mm is seen in left ovary. No free fluid seen in cul-de-sac. IMPRESSION: FINDING ARE S/O PCOD WITH A DOMINANT FOLLICLE IN LEFT OVARY. Plzzzzz reply...
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Abdomen ultrasound report says F/ S / O

Abdomen report says F/ S / O cirrhosis of liver. Please make understand this. Also moderate to gross ascites, Grade 2 prostatomegaly
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Typhod diagnose Salmonella typhi O (TO)

My son age 20 year was having fever from past 5 days ranging from 98.8 to 102.8  degree . He is  diagnose for Typhod positive  - Salmonella typhi O (TO) Reactive 1:160. Started Inj Monocef 1g intravenous twice a day after meals for 7 days. How long it will take control the fever and please advice what meals we have to take or any other precautions.
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Salmonella typhi O 1:40

I am having discomfort in my abdomen area since 6 weeks now. Everytime i eat, i get stiff stomach and discomfort. No Fever. No loose motion, no other symptoms. Got my blood tests done. TYPHI DOT/ SALMONELLA TYPHI IgM @ (ICT) : NEGATIVE WIDAL TEST, SERUM @ (Slide Agglutination) Salmonella typhi O (TO) : REACTIVE upto Titre 1:40 What does that mean?
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Stool report of baby 7.5m/o

Baby  is 7.5 m/o and on solids + breast milk. Since few days she has been passing multiple stools in the day (2-4 times).  We are sharing stool report and reducing substance report for your advise and any next steps. Food diet- suji kheer, khichdi, ragi, banana, apple Any advise on report?
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Can Tablet Orni -O and naproxen bebreast

Hi Doctor, My wife had severe pelvic pain due to uterine fibroids and was asked to take TAB ORNI O.    1-0-1 X 5 days. & TAB NAPROXEN 250 mg 1-0-1 X 3 days X 3 months Are these tablets safe during breastfeeding? Thanks
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No e/o cleft lip / palate

Hello doctor, My wife is 22 weeks pregnant, The gynecologist suggested scan at 22 weeks, TIFFA scan done today, we saw ( pre-maxillary triangle seen, no e/o cleft lip/palate) in the report,  I got doubts and searched on Google it said as report baby will be born with cleft lip, we are very worried about that report doctor,  Can you tell me if there is any problem? Really as per the report the baby will be born with a cleft lip?
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