Recently Answered Questions on Tuberculosis


Tuberculosis treatment

Can tuberculosis be cured through homeopathy medicine alone? Or allopathy medicine is required? Please suggest
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Bone Tuberculosis

How does bone Tuberculosis spread from one person to other..can it spread by physical touching or something like that
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Best tuberculosis blood test

What is the best blood test for active and latent Tuberculosis? And how fast will they give the results. Please doctors tell me.
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Tuberculosis of hip

I have pain in left hip from few month. Doctor says it is a tuberculosis of hip. Please tell me is there is any treatment in Ayurveda.
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Uterus tuberculosis

Please help, Any symtoms to know if I have uterus tuberculosis . I have regular periods with normal flow.
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Alcohol affect on Tuberculosis .

What are the adverse affects of   alcohol and   smoking during    and after tuberculosis treatment ?
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Tuberculosis of intestine

Sir, what is abdominal tuberculosis of the gastrointestinal tract? Is it really very serious problem?can it be cured by medicines?
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Tuberculosis of brain

My son is nine and half year old  he suffering from Tuberculosis of brain I dont know what to do? Please help me
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Tuberculosis test related

7 years back I had tuberculosis cured. Now I am going to have Qatar medical checkup for employment. Before that I want to undergo the right test to check on that I am fit of Tuberculosis so that I don't fail in the medical Qatar.
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Tuberculosis treatment

My father has pleural effusion in the left lung, mild anemia and Tuberculosis. Please tell me whether tuberculosis treatment is available in private hospitals of India or is it only available in govt hospital?
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