Recently Answered Questions on TAZOCEF-O


Pimples and black spots o

Hello,am fully fed up with the pimples on my face how can i get rid of them .and also how can i cure the black mark on my face?
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Severe ocd (pure o)

My sister have severe ocd since 5 yrs..she has tried various medicines in allopathy but nothing helped... Therapy done CBT done ERP done Rtms done but no improvement.. Now doctors have suggested for deep brain stimulation surgery... But we are really afraid of it as it's under clinical trial and results are 50% only... Can homeopathy help in this severe case of OCD. Please help if any of you have experience in treating severe case of OCD... Her problem is intrusive thoughts, fear and anxiety.. Please help if you can save her from surgery
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HypoNat O 15

Is it safe to take Hyponat 15 for sodium level 128 for 10 days at home or is there any alternate treatment to raise sodium deficiency ?
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Get tired and not able to focus much o

Hello Doctor, I feel so tired and lazy not able to work much and feel like I just take rest and don't do anything . I have gone through all the blood tests Nothing came in that but i feel low energy and some restlessness in my body . Kindly suggest what to do in this .
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Preventive measures for lumbralization o

Hi Doctors, I am a 18 years old student. I started developing lower back pain last year and consulted few of the doctors later I came to know that I am diagnosed with lumbralization of L5 S1 I am on exercises and medication now and feel much better. I just want to know if there is a permanent cure for it, If yes should I opt for it Also what all preventive measures should I follow in this case. Can I do gym and weight training. I also have a disc buldge This are my MRI reports 1. Lumbarised  S1 2. Mild right foraminal disc protrusion with central paracentral disc extrusion at L5-S1 level. Compression of right L5 exiting and S1 traversing nerve roots is seen 3. Normal cord and C-V junction.
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H/O Abortion

I had a abortion, 3-4 years ago. But never followed-up for the ultrasound. There's no complaints at the present. But should I get an ultrasound done, to be on the safer side?
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Dunno conceived o no

Can i take pan d because to avoid fart Is it safe Plz as eaten Kabuli chana Evening religious program
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Feeling o heartbeat

I feel my heartbeat when i am laying down. I feel my pulse in my foot palm and feel it at in back of my head when laying on pillow..ecg is normal..what is the the rate of 72 bpm
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N O benifits

Can we give nitricoxide to a hypertensive patient? Research claims it is beneficial because it promotes vasodilation. The patient has essential high BP. Takes telma40 in the morning and lnbloc20 in the evening.
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Lumps o left and right abdomen

I have lipomas that was detected in sonography. I want to be double sure that it is unharmful. Also I feel a lot of lumps in my abdomen
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