Recently Answered Questions on TAZOCEF-O


Parents O + Baby A +

BG of my baby was checked just after birth which was found to be A+. However i and my wife am A+. When we asked our dr. He said that bg can go upto 7th generations. Now the baby is 1 year old. Should we get tested again. Pls advice
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Dear Sir, My mother, who is 65 years o

Dear Sir, My mother, who is 65 years old, is a diabetic patient. She’s been feeling numbness in her right leg for the past few days. When I took her to a doctor, he prescribed some medicines. We’ve been using these medicines for the last 15 days. However, her symptoms have not yet come down and her leg is still numb. We’re really worried. Please give us proper advice. Thanks in advance.  I’ve also provided the prescribed medication below: GLYCOMET 500 MG INTAGLIP 50MG TAB TUFGABA GAT TAB PREHANCE TAB Thanks, Badri
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Untested and undiognosed metastastised o

Due to tobacco chewing for 10 years, Tumours on lips and cheeks and ulcers found but I didn't check with doctor,that development of cancer turned to metastastised uñtreated and oral cancer to liver kidney stomach bones all parts of body are at great pain, might be distant metastased Watery dysentery like STOOLS, 6 to 7 times day,unable to walk. So far no biopsy is done nor any tests done. Any tests are helpful to me now. And treatment thereof Thankse
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Vitamin A suggestion for 4y/o kid

Since schools are being conducted online and screen time has increased for children and many of students have started suffering from vision issues some of them have even got there spectacles at the age of 4 so this school has suggested them to be taking vitamin A dose can you please suggest which brand aur dose will be suitable also if it's like vitamin d shots which has to be taken in the clinic or a simple syrup of multivitamin will do or any vitamin A alone syrup Thank you
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Swelling on the mouth with herpes kind o

Swelling on the mouth with herpes kind of thing with irritating, also swelling and itching on penis skin inside. I have taken meftal spas and o2 teblet yesterday, is that a side effect of taking any of them or something else. Please suggest
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O C D with anxiety

OCD of hand washing & fear of something wrong will happen to me or my family members usually takes too much time in bathing slow decision process
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Suggestions about pregnancy at the age o

My was pregnant at the age of 37 & she is having bp,thyroid,weight is 86. NT scan & double marker test also done & it's result is screening test negative & low risk. Please suggest me kindly either we move forward or not is there any risk to Babi & mother. first delivery is normal
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Hpylori lgG o lgA test?

Dear Docter, Pls suggest out of Hpylori lgA and lgG which one blood test is the better alternative to detect current hpylori infection.
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I can only maintain an erection during o

I Can only maintain erection of my penis during oral sex with my girlfriend but when im trying for intercourse I'm losing the erection.Please do suggest
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Rashes o scalp.

Since last 10 years having this problem.Starts with red rash on scalp,it pains after two three days fills with pus after that dries and scaling continues the cycle. Got panchkarma, Ayurveda treatment,allopathy through skin specialist,but problem is still on.
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