Recently Answered Questions on TAZOCEF-O


O C D medications suggestion

It’s begin I really don’t when , all I know is I was young my elder and younger brother we 3 were effected from ocd younger one get rid of it I don’t know how my elder brother pretend he is not effected but I have seen him performing rituals though he managed can control it much but I don’t , I perform rituals ever time many people noticed me mostly my family but I don’t accept my fault just because I’m ashamed of my ocd my life is so difficult because of my brain disorder it’s hard to live with it , it’s been many years I don’t know for sure may be 10 years or more. I have doubts being sure it is wrong Such as checking doors at night 2 to 3 times or washing my hand up to 20 times in a day and bed thoughts that I can’t control I have to perform rituals nonsense things my life become hell Can anyone one suggest Medicean which can not effect my sex life
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Boil o fistula

Have boil type , not healed up in 3month, leaking pus and blood, in groin are near leg.. Have herideity of diabetics, sugar near 120-160.. suggest weather boil ,fistula or other???
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Swelling o. Right eye

My sone getting swelling in his right eye we had used Cedric drops 2-3 week back it was cleared but it I had started today again Will this caused by any food intake or what will the correct treatment Do I need to consult general physician or eye specialist
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Anger anxiety adjustment problems with o

I am suffering from ocd and anxiety disease my neurological report say that
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Please guide how can o treat her

My girlfriend is having depression and . she says she cant be happy even if she tries to. She is intense introvert and does not share every thing with also. we are not in same city . How can io treat her without medication. Some times she says she want to commit suicide. she doest feel happy at all
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Bleeding in anal wound after two years o

Hello. 2 years back I had got my piles removal surgery done. Now I find way too much blood passing when I go toilet it bleeds like anything. Its happening again and again. I think the wound has been inflicted for some reason
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Bow leg with o curvature

Sir i am 16 and i have a bow leg with 0 curvature. How i can make it straight without surgery.
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Doubt o fgetting pregnant

I am 21 and i had unprotected sex with my bf on 1st august i ate i pill on 3 rd august .. den v had sex on 8th august again it was protected but once he went inside without periods date is 20th evry month i got some blood spotting on 17th der any chances of getting pregnant
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Ring Fungal in 2year affect many part o

I infected fungal in 2year is type of ring. I take medicine ( castor-nf, terbinaforce cream and tablet candiforce) but fungal repeat again nd again Pls suggest
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Ingested a small magnet o

We suspect our son to have invested a small magnetic peace. But his activities are normal for the past 2 hrs. Is there any concern
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