Recently Answered Questions on Singlor


I feel single hard heart beat some times

After that single hard heart beat my heart beats fast some times it comes one after other and some time i feel it oncr in a week what is that please help
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Single loop of cord around fatel neck

I am 35 week pregnant today i Did sonography and its observed that my baby neck Have single loop of cord. I am too much worried about that.
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Single parent issue

I am divorced single mother and my son is 5 years old. My ex husband ask me to meet him but I am not confused if I should allow him to meet as he left us alone when my son was 1 year old. He is a cross dresser and when I came to know about it I moved out of marriage. For 3-4 years he didnt bother meeting our son as he was not willing to take up hard work related to kids. Now mu son is 5 yrs old so he wants to meet him, and my son also misses him sometimes but not much. Should I make my son meet his father?
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Single loop of cord around the neck

Hi, I am in 29th week of my pregnancy. I got a color doppler done to know the growth of my baby. Report says "normal low resistance flow waveforms of uterine arteries with good diastolic flow. No diastolic notch is seen. Umbilical artery shows normal waveforms with good diastolic flow. MCA shows normal waveforms." Is my baby getting good blood supply or not? It also shows single loop of cord around the neck loosely attached. Can this be dangerous? Please answer both questions. Thanks a lot
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Single umbilical artery,SGA,Left Notch

Hi I am having single umbilical artery ,left notch and the baby weight is about 1.2 kg and SGA I am about 32 weeks.the baby is in the 3rd centile.what are the possible problems in the future or during labour.Plz hep me out here I was told to eat non veg will it help in any form..I am really confused what can be done now.
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Single Eyelash growing inside eye

Hi, Today after waking up i felt itching in my eyes which is quite normal but after sometimes it become quite irritating. So I examined in the mirror. Found out that single eyelash is growing inside the top corner of eye and pinching the eye straight away. What should I do? Should I remove with or without professional help?
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Single umbilical artery

हेलो सर मेरी पत्नी को 20 वीक की प्रेगनेंसी है टारगेट इमेजिंग करने के बाद पता चला कि single umbilical artery है सर मैं यह जानना चाहता हूं की आगे इस से क्या क्या दिक्कत हो सकती है और भ्रूण की असामान्यता और बीमारियों को जानने के लिए कौन-कौन सी जांचें की जानी चाहिए तथा इस दौरान प्रेग्नेंट महिला को डाइट में क्या-क्या खाना चाहिए धन्यवाद
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A single bump on my lower inner lip.

I have a single bump (pimple kind) on my lower inner lip. It's there since more than a year now. No pain nothing. Just there but it's bothering me. I smoke. Is it because of smoking or what?? Who should I consult? Dermatologist or dentist or ent? Please suggest me something. Is it something serious or what? Tell me treatment
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Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

I am having a bad tooth, a part of which broke off due to a stone. I didn't notice at that time but now it's hurting badly and a root canal needs to be done. I want to know about the single seating root canal
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15 weeks single line pregnancy

I sonuya gipta have 15 weeks single line pregnancy.My LMP is 14/09/2020.My doctor said that i have posterior placenta crossing anteriorly above int OS.what is this?? Kindly suggest me is it ok or not
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