Recently Answered Questions on Singlor


Single linear core in biopsy report

Hi Doctor, I have a question regarding Gross Morphology section. When the hospital took core biosy they told they took multiple samples. But in report it says "Received single linear core". Can you please help understand this ? Why it is single if they took multiple samples. Thanks in advance. Attached biopsy report
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5 weeks pregnant single woman

Hello, I am 26 yrs old, unmarried and single. I have missed my period. Looking for a gynaecologist in Pune who will be willing to help me abort the pregnancy. Thanks!
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Single live Intrauterine in variable lie

Hi , I saw an impression in report that Single live Intrauterine gestation of 12 weeks  in variable lie. Is it normal. Please tell
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I feel single hard heart beat some times

After that single hard heart beat my heart beats fast some times it comes one after other and some time i feel it oncr in a week what is that please help
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Single loop of cord around fatel neck

I am 35 week pregnant today i Did sonography and its observed that my baby neck Have single loop of cord. I am too much worried about that.
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Type of food for a single cyst in lungs

Hello sir I have a single cyst in my lung I am of age 38 years. I will be working in catering near cooking and smoke Can you suggest me what type of food i need to be taken.
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Cost of single teeth dental implants

What is the cost of single teeth dental implants along with dental cap/crown in India? Considering best quality of implant and best quality of cap/crown.
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Single white spot on my index finger

From last two monts... there is a spot on my finger slightly white... doc says that its not like a vitiligo ... there is only one single white spot on my skin.. its bit confusing help me out...
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Single tablet avoid 3 month pregnancy

Recently I married some personal problem I don't need child up to 3 month's is there any single tablet to stop pregnancy up to 3 month.plz tell me
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Single parent issue

I am divorced single mother and my son is 5 years old. My ex husband ask me to meet him but I am not confused if I should allow him to meet as he left us alone when my son was 1 year old. He is a cross dresser and when I came to know about it I moved out of marriage. For 3-4 years he didnt bother meeting our son as he was not willing to take up hard work related to kids. Now mu son is 5 yrs old so he wants to meet him, and my son also misses him sometimes but not much. Should I make my son meet his father?
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