Recently Answered Questions on Singlor


Ultrasound report for single live fetus

Ultrasound report for single live fetus of age 21 weeks shows "thin strip of free fluid in right pleural cavity-mild right sided pleural effusion" please help to know how to proceed
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Single live intrauterine fetus in 22 wks

Hi please let me know the Single live intrauterine fetus in 22 wks with cephalic presentation
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Copper T - single ovary and tube

Now I'm 8months preganant,I'm having single ovary and fallopian tube.Is it compulsory to insert copper T after delivery in gov.hospitals?I have 1 tube that's why I bothered much,I heard that copper T damages tube if it is not properly me
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Lower back at single point when pressed

I am having pain at left side lower back when pressed from last 5 days, applied move/volini still no imp. I am diabetic having haba1c last checked in June 15 - it was 6.3, having medicine metformin 750mg daily. The pain is only when I press to that single point or little around it... I am not getting if it is muscle pain or something else... please suggest...
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Tiny single bump at pubic area

Dear sir from January I have tiny single bump at my pubic area is it look like wart can you plz help me if it's wart after I remove can I back normal life or it's make cancer like any serious problem after I remove can I plan with my wife for 2nd baby can I get healthy baby after I remove plz clear me sir I attached image
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Single loop cord around the neck at 37W

In my recent colour Doppler scan doc identified single loop cord around my baby's neck. Does it cause any harm to baby or baby's growth? Does normal delivery possible or should I go for C section.. please help me.. I'm very much worried since this scanning.
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IHD, CAD - Single vessel disease

I had heart attack on 19 Mar 19 and found 100 blockage.  CAD - Single vessel disease, PTCA with Stenting to LAD was done on 21Mar 19 at Dhiraj hospital Vadodara. Same time I also found type 2 DM. My present LVEF is 25%. Can you suggest me for its improvement please.
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A single 14 mm Gallstone in Gall bladder

Hi! Can a single 14mm Gallstone be removed/treated without removing gall bladder? If not treated/removed/operated, can this single 14 mm Gallstone lead to cancer?
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AFI 8cm and surrounded by single cord

My wife is 9 month pregnant, 36.5 weeks. We have done one USG AFI, EBW and doppler. AFI has been reduced to 8 cm. In last month it was 13 cm. Also, single cord found surrounding babys neck. Other doppler results are normal. How much probablity of normal delivery is safe in this situation? Her due date is 27th sept
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A single 3rd degree prolapsed hemorrhoid

I'm diagnosed with a single 3rd degree internal prolapsed Hemorrhoid last wednesday & i got it band ligated last saturday Now it’s monday i saw little blood in bowel I’m on a high fiber diet today i feel a soft bump come out of my anus does it is normal that after band ligation the Hemorrhoid first it swell because of cut off the blood supply please Help Me
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