Recently Answered Questions on Risperidone


Psychosis and

How much power of aripiprazole is equal to risperidone. Is 4 mg risperidone equal to 15 mg aripiprazole.
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Anxiety caused Overthinking

Is Risperidone a proper medicine for anxiety caused overthinking? I'm taking Risperidone for past 4 years for overthinking.But no change, on the opposite my mental condition is becoming worse.What should I do??
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Thyroid related

I take risperidone and arip and fluoxetine for severe ocd. I have pcos. What does the report indicate? I am worried
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Mental disorder

Sir, i am taking risperidone 2 mg. But after taking it, i am feeling impotency. But when i take another antipsychotics, like amisulpride, quetiapine they are not working in my case. What should i do.
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Sir,i have ocd and psycosis,docter prescribed me serta blonitas clonil,can i add risperidone in it,because i get some relief in my symtoms when i take serta with risperidon,it is safe to add risperidone in serta blonitas clonil combination.
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Ocd and psychosis

Sir i am on sertraline 100 mg, amisulpride 50 mg and risperidone 2 mg. Doctor prescribed me sertraline+amisulpride. Another doctor prescribed me sertraline +risperidone. Which composition is better sertraline+amisulpride or sertraline+risperidone or all together.
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Acid phos,caladium,agnus

I take sertaline and risperidone antipsychotic drugs.can I take acid phos,caladium,Agnus homeopathy medicine?
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Low dopamine level

I've been taking Risperidone for past 4 years.Now I feel that my dopamine level is low.How can I check my dopamine level??
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How long it takes for risperidon to work

My doctor added 0.5mg risperidone to 60mg fluoxetine. How soon can i expect to see improvements in my irritability and mild behaviour problems.
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Tabs enquiry

I'm on etilaam ...desvenlafaxine...risperidone ..for anxiety and depression...can i take Homeopathy medicine for gastritis along with these there any problem
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