Recently Answered Questions on Risperidone


Mania with anxiety

I am suffering from bipolar disorder I don't have depression I only have mania with hypochondriasis(anxiety) I am using lithium with risperidone my maniac symptoms are controlled my anxiety is worse. Doc tried with ssri Escitalopram it made mania worse but doctor gave me clonzapam but it helps temporarily How to control my longterm anxiety are there any options please suggest...
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Bipolar disorder

Sir I have been taking lithium 300 twice and risperidone 2mg since 3years .how many years should I continue. My doctor said he will stop medicine after 5years by tapering it later he said if it recur it will be lifelong.. I hate using medicines because they are causing weight gain and making me numb with hand tremors. The positive side is I can move socially and maintain good relations..
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Bipolar disorder

I am using more maniac symptoms and no depression i am using lithium 300mg twice with risperidone 2mg at night I am facing side effects such as slow processing easily tired , more urination. Lithium vs valporate vs lamitorgine vs carbamazepine  or combinations of antipsychotics Which medicine is more effective and with least serious sideeffects
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Need suggestion ASAP

Hi Doctor, Unfortunately my mother has taken overdose of following tablets. Could you please tell is it very serious. She is sleeping now. Got leg pain after taking tablets. Tablets: Risperidone - taken 2 tablets instead of one tablet. Amitriptyline -taken 2 tablets instead of one tablet. Kindly please suggest remedy for the over dose. We are very tensed. Thanks in advance.
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When study or productivity become threat

I am suffering from ocd with mental psychiatrist prescribed me escitalopram, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine,bupriprion , clomipramine, olanzapine, risperidone but none is working.. In my childhood i used to be a topper in study but now study seems like a threat for me thus i avoid it ...i want to study , i am not a lazy person but i dont know what to do now ,i avoid productivity..
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I was diagnosed with schizophrenia...

I used to have auditory hallucinations... I used to hear filthy voices.... Abuses.... Now I'm fine... Have been taking 1. SERNACE 2 MG salt haloparidol in a day twice 2. Now I'm taking ARIPMT 15 mg & Aripiprazole salt and risperidone 2 my...
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Generic brand still give side effect

2011 I was diagnosed bipolar 1 It was prescribed Risperidone and Risperdal generic brands 2013 I stopped taking this medicine due to the form of body changes Do to the body changes to the right side of my chest was formed with one inch of glaucoma behind my nipple
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Resdone LS and ocd

I have severe ocd and take Prodep 60 once a day, and Resdone LS 1 tab at night. How do i avoid the side effects and complications associated with risperidone? I also have pcod,fatty liver and my maternal grandmother has diabetes and my father has high bp.
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Bipolar and anxiety

I have bipolar mania with severe anxiety doc tried with ssri Escitalopram which made anxiety worse Is there any alternative treatment for anxiety Like if we treat anxiety mania is becoming worse Currently I am on lithium and risperidone Or any antipsychotic that counter anxiety. Please help suffering from 3years..
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Mental disorder

Imaginary scenerios like stories is running in my mind. I also smile to self with imagination in alone. I am not able to sleep. Some doctors tell me it is ocd and some say it is psychosis. Ssris doesn't work, antipsychotic like aripiprazole, risperidone, amisulpride work. What is it ocd or psychosis.
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