Recently Answered Questions on RAMICHEK-H


H pylori treatment

Hi, I'm recently diagnosed with H. Pylori. Did urea breath test. Is pyloflush and a PPI enough to get rid of the infection
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H pylori infection

I was diagnosed with pylori last to last month and face several issues with it. Finally getting diagnosed I was given 14 days therapy of antibiotics and PPI and later one month treatment of PPI after completing this treatment yet I have symptoms like cramp in abdomen and constant burping and especially when I workout of do any activities by burping increases more. My doctor did not test me again to confirm that I had irradicated h pylori. When I personally asked him that I want to be sure that I am not having h pylori anymore he replied that you don't need any further treatment and that u have irradicated h pylori and when I stressed more in getting my endoscopy done once again he replied u don't need any therapy anymore even if h pylori is there it won't show any symptoms untill a year atleast m worried i don't want to have same symptoms again. Should I get my endoscopy done Or are these symptoms normal for post antibiotics treatment Please respond
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I was diagnosed with h pylori

I was dignosed with h pylori last month and took medicine for the same but it wasn't severe. Now i've got anal fissure, is stomach pain and gas common with someone with anal fissure?
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H pylori in stomach

Enclosed is the endoscope report. Doctor has given me rablet 40mg tablet and sucrafil o gel syrup for h pylori. Will this medicine help me in getting curred.
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H pylori treatment

Any diet plan while taking H pylori treatment. I started taking NEXPRO L and ULGEL suspension. Please suggest how to get rid of it. I loosing my weight day by day.
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H pylori infection

I am diagnosed with h pylori infection in stomach can i get complete cure of this infection in homeopathy or i had to go for allopathy for this infection
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H Pylori Bacteria

Can i go for H Pylori Stool Test While Taking Nexpro L (Proton Pump Inhibitor). As i was suffering my chronic gastristics and taking daily nexpro l but feels heavyness daily. Which test should i go for?
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H Pylori infection

Hello, I have acid reflux in throat and pain in abdomen and moveable pain ENT doc told I have H pylori but I don't want to go for antibiotics want ayervedic treatment what to eat.
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H pylori infection

Hello doc, I have H pylori symptoms just want to know what to do is that can be treated as doctor told me to do endoscopy once doctor available is that serious problem as I am worried what to do I have vitamin b12 deficiency plus wbc high
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Taking antibiotics for h pylori

Hi, i am currently under medication for h pylori taking antibiotics course for 2weeks .. feeling weak daily can i take orsl drink daily twice.. please suggest..
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