Recently Answered Questions on RAMICHEK-H


H pylori antibiotics

Hi I have been given the below antibiotics for h pylori Are these ok or do i need to add more I have abdominal pain and cramps Please feel free to add or remove if necessary (please let me know names)
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H pylori infection

Diagnosed with h pylori infection... which medicines will be powerful to remove infection? is two weeks enough to reduce infection?
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H pylori treatment

Hi, is there any ayurvedic treatment to cure H pylori infection? Have been tested positive twice in 10 months through urea breath test.
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H pylori re infection

Can I get h pylori again?like I eradicated it just a week ago. I know there are chances of re infection but can I get it like in a month after eradication only? Or I I will have active Antibodies for some times?
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H pylori bacteria

I have been diagnosed with h pylori bacteria through upper endoscopy, after taking Sompraz hp tablet for two weeks its get better, but now after some week I'm getting same stomach pain and heartburn again. Pls advise?
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H pylori negative

Hello doctor I tested positive for h pylori through stool test took the treatment for 14 days and then waited for 21 days to take the next stool test it came out negative soo the bacteria is gone right?
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H pylori infection

Recently I am diagnosed with H pylori infection,GERD,peptic ulcer. Taking medicines for the same. Can it be cured permanently...and how to confirm that the infection is gone??
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H pylori Infection

For 2 weeks now I have been having lesuride and sompraz to take care of my ulcer, but it did not help. Doctor said it could be because of H Pylori, and I need to take antibiotics. My question is which medicines should I take, and when should I take them
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H Pylori. Feel giddy with antibiotics

Hello all, after endoscopy, I have been diagnosed with H Pylori induced pangastritis. Doctor has prescribed triple therapy but I feel very giddy and weak after taking the medicines. Please let me know how can I reduce these effects? Also whether should i continue the course?
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H pylori infection treatment

I recently diagnosed and treated with H pylori infection, i want to know that i can drink beer occasionally? can beer causes hpylori?
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