Recently Answered Questions on RAMICHEK-H


Hair loss Radiance-H dose

What is the adult dose of Radiance-H capsule? Also can a 11 year child allowed to consume Radiance-H ? Pls answer above 2 queries.
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Stool Antigen Test for H pylori

Hello Doctor. I am taking ppi from 1 month, previously I had H-Pylori infection and took triple therapy. Now can I do stool antigen test for hpylori to confirm eradication. Do i need to stop ppi before taking the test or can i take the test immediately? Please suggest.
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Diet for h pylori

Can i have Mangoes in h pylori induced gastritis I still have burning in phases What about watermelon One day a doctor gave me an answer copied from google Plz provide answers with details
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H pylori infection

Does h pylori infection ever get better? What to do if quadruple therapy fails as well or what if symptoms return after few days Kindly suggest is there any permanent cure
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H pylori diet

Can I take dosa idly in h pylori, i have completed my 14 days course of antibiotics and doctor have again prescribed medicines for 30 days so what all diet can I take
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H pylori and antral gastritis

Doctors, my brother has h pylori and antral  gastritis so which medicine is used for treatments . His age is 30 years
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H pylori contagious

Hi - I have been diagnosed with H Pylori bacteria and have started medication recently. I am worried if I have already passed it to my 5 month baby, and if yes, could that have complications?
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H pylori infection

Does H pylori causes mesentric lymhadenopathy? Ct scan report came as mesentric lymhadenopathy and endoscopy report came as antral gastritis...
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H pylori doubt

In one of the support groups, i read h pylori can colonise in oral cavity.. i have some roughness in my buccal mucosa, last year there was hyperpigmentation and it was in both the sides, can this be due to h pylori? All my stomach issues started post this. I was told to use a toothpaste with biocin so that is disrupts the biofilm coating of the bacteria.. i have attached a pic of my mucosa, you can see the residual pigmentation (its very less though).. After 1 round of antibiotics, H pylori was still positive, so this time i want to take additional precautions... please suggest me any biocin toothpaste/mouthwash to aid the h pylori eradication! Thank you
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H. Pylori and pyloflush

I have been detected with H. Pylori and I have been prescribed Pyloflush. I was detected with same infection few years back also. That time I did a triple therapy(amox+clarith+ppi). My question is, is Pyloflush enough to eradicate it?
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