Recently Answered Questions on NOVAZIDE-S


Hello Mam. I have Some problems Please s

I have Some problems Please suggest some medicine. I cannot open my mouth properly and even cannot eat a little spicy food. I eat tobacco. What Medicine should i take?
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I. B. S constipation, weak digestion

I am male of 34years old Height 5.8ft, weiggt-53. I had bellsy palsy. After recovery i got heavyness problem and motion like watery due to i. B. S. Muscle weak. i have used many ayurvedic medicine like chitrakadi vati, mahasankh vat, kumaryasa, abhyarishta,brahmi vati, ashwagandharista, arogyavardhani vati, avipattikar churn,dulcoflex,unienzyme tablet,  panchsakar churn, softovac,  triphala tablet, liverex syrup all after meal.  And hingwastak churn and avipattikar churn before and after meal but still i have weak digestion. Stool watery. I have imbalance  Vata Problem Kindly suggest medicine. I have spent my whole money over treatment Arround 1.5lakh. This problem arround 2years. I have weak digestion and gas. But endoscopy no gas.
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HSV 1 IgG positive 1.99 s/co,

I am not sexually active had mistakenly did one time oral fun, but I got HSV 1 IgG positive 1.99 s/co,with no visible symptoms, tested all other STD profile, all are negative. Recently I am experiencing very minor pre cum like clear leaks even when I am not aroused. Do I need a treatment for this? What could be the possible cause for the leaks?
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3 yrs girl baby s having Tooth pain

My daughter 3yrs 3 months old is having front tooth pain from yesterday.. Front two tooth were broken 6months back she fell down from bed... Those tooth were almost broken 1/4 th only is there. What should I do... There s also swelling in the upper lip.. Is anything serious?
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Ma skin s tyrning dry with brown skin

I used skin lite cream for one n half month it gave lil fairness but now ma skin s becoming like skin aftr getting hurt the skin vl dry qith brown skin its turning lik dat wat shud i do now
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S. Billirubin is 1.1(total), 0.61 direct

I was diagnosed with fatty liver grade 2 in July. Post that I was able to reduce 10kgs and last report was fairly normal. But this time S. Billirubin total and direct. Was slightly elevated. I have been eating medicines for ear infection and cold these days. What can be done to get it back to normal?
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Sir my wife is pregnant U S G  is done   shows M.s.d is 1.45 cm corresponding to 5 weeks 5 days no fetal seen no yolk seen os is closed   _it happen second time last 5 months  what we Will do  now   _wait some time or use any medican plz give suggestions
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Baby s cold n cough prb..

Hii.. my baby sufrng cold n cough from last 2days n dr. Suggested to gv her montek lc kid 1\2.. cn i continue dis today also coz baby s still suferng frm d cough n cold..
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Implant v/s non-implant full mouth teeth

Hello Doctor, Kind request for advantages and disadvantages of Implant full mouth teeth v/s non-implant full mouth teeth. also provide idea for costing of both types. As my father whose age is 63 yrs and looking for full mouth teeth replacement.
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Cure for Typhoid with S typhi o @1:160

I have done widal blood analysis as suggested by doctor and report says S Typhi O at 1:160 . Had very high fever ~103 and severe headache . Fever disappeared in 2 days. But headache continues. And also started to develop cough and couldn't sleep due to coughing. Doctor suggested that it will be cured with antibiotics just wanted to have second opinion about how many days it will take to be healthy again so that I resume my office.
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