Recently Answered Questions on NOVAZIDE-S


Pregnency s

Can I get pregnent from precum? After how many days of ovaluation does implantation bleeding starts ? After how many days of sex implantation bleeding noticed ? After how many days of ovaluation is fertilization ? Is it possible not to notice implantation bleeding
64 Views hidden

Sinusitis s

Sinusiti I am suffering with Sinusitis Every day morning nose blockage and feeling headache and lazy.
47 Views hidden

Contraceptive s

What are the medicine to stop first month pregnancy. We are married one month back Due to future plans we want to stop pregnancy.
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Period s problem

She recently matured but she has period every 15 to 20 days is it normal or what could be the reason . Please suggest what to do
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I have constipation s

Some time because of this constipation i dont feel gd this make me. Very stress... And i cant be free
19 Views hidden

I have I have masturbation problem and s

I have masturbation problem and suddenly I discharge My sperm in bus or anywhere then I touch with females
235 Views hidden

I am have problems with my wife where s

I am have problems with my wife where she reading a lot to children's getting a no tension small and stealing few things in shopping
183 Views hidden

Headache s

I have been having headaches since last 5 years .It starts with left temple and becomes worse as the day progresses. I think its migraine but not sure as once doctor advised me as gastronomical disorder and acidity could be the reason.
52 Views hidden

My daughter 's memory

I have an eight year old daughter. She is in third standard. She is a slow learner she confuse some letters like b with d and write 3 in opposite direction she forget everything whatever she ĺearns. I am Bergman ch vorried about this what shall I do now?
72 Views hidden

Multivitamin s

I m breastfeeding mom I wanna know can I take boldfit multivitamin tablets my baby is one year old. On the medicine it's mention that it's not for pregnant women or lactation mom's...
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