Recently Answered Questions on Horn


Complete acl injury

Complete tear of Acl. Arterial translation of teba seen due to acl injury .bukling of pcl seen otherwise is intact and show normal signal. A focal radial tear postrior horn of lateral mensious seen.
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I have pain in my knee from last year

I have knee pain from last year my doctor suggest me to do MRI of my right knee after that MRI the result was grade 3 tear of posterior horn meniscus many doctors says you wants artho scopy but i dont want any surgery it can be repair by any medicine or exersise
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I feeling discomfort with noise. In ear

I have been having mild pain in the ear after with mobile ring tone. Car horn. Some one talking loadely. I have no problem in taking rest in night time. I filling irritation with normal normal sound. I'm using ear drops otorex last 3days . my email id_masoom03gmail. com
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Choroid plexus avm

I have choroid plexus avm in right temporal horn of lateral ventricle-4.3cm (sm grade 2). How can it be treated. What are the side effects of microsurgery and embolization. Please explain in detail.I shall be much thankful for your early response
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Knee joint

Sir I have partial acl tear n grad2 horizontal medial meniscus tear in posterior horn n body I not extending upto surface in not want to undergo surgery I I heard of prp injections with positive results is anyone of you provide pro or can suggest any centre regarding this
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Knee pain since 3 years

Knee pain since 3 years. Latest MRI shows 'MILD PATELLA ALTA. MILD NIN SPECIFIC SOFT TISSUE THICKENING POSTERIOR HORN OF THE MEDIAL MENISCUS??? FOCAL SYNOVITIS. Please advise me if PRP will help me. Do I need to take only one PRP? Also the cost of it in Maharashtra. Please advise
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Knee pain al the time

Chronic knee pain past 6 months. MRI impression shows moderate joint effusion and complex tear of posterior horn. Hyperintense posterior cruciate ligament. What are the treatment options? I don't want to get in to a surgery. Do we have other treatment options other surgery??
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Bucket handle tear of knee

Bucket handle tear of body and posterior horn of medial meniscus.Chondromalacia patellae (grade I).Moderate joint effusion with suprapatellar bursal fluid. My MRI reports says the above. Can this be treated with physiotherapy and excersise.
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Bucket handle tear

This is my MRI report. Bucket handle tear of body and posterior horn of medial meniscus. Chondromalacia patellae (grade I). Moderate joint effusion with suprapatellar bursal fluid. Is surgery necessary or it can be treated by physiotherapy?
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Mild osteoarthritis Gr.II Meniscal tear

MRI confirmed- Grade 2 meniscal tear in the posterior horn of lateral meniscus besides mild osteoarthritis changes in both the left and right knee with thinning of cartilage. Please suggest medicine for Recovery(Report attached)??How to regenerate cartilage??
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