Recently Answered Questions on Free


Are dates sugar free?

Are dates (without any added sugar) considered sugar free? Can diabetes patients consume dates? If store bought products contain dates instead of sugar can they be called sugar free products?
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No free movement of foreskin

No free movement of's tight but using fingers it roll back and forth but not that free movement...I think frenulum is short... It feels like penis is tedha ho rha hai... And when we roll back the foreskin it feels penis size is reduced 😂😂 What to do? Any suggestions?
1418 Views hidden

What is Mintop 5% alcohol free base?

What is the base used for the mintop 5% alcohol free solution?. As my doctor has suggested to use...
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Consult Abdominal pain, Hungry free

I have been severed Abdominal pain and hungar free and tiredness for the past 10 days.
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Free T4 and TSH

I got a free T4 result as 0.69 and TSH 4.71 ....can i know what does it mean? I am 21 weeks pregnant age 30 ....i am taking thyronorm 25mcg from 1st trimester
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Tsh or free tsh

Please tell me which test is good for checking thyroid level - thyroid profile or free thyroid profile. I am planning for pregnancy hence need to get my levels check. Pls suggest
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Low free testosterone

I did testosterone test I was having weakness and loss of libido.. The test shows...normal total testosterone level but low free testosterone i.e 15pg/ml
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Sugar free lactation supplements

Hi doctor, please let me know if there are any sugar free lactation supplements as I am planning to breastfeed for at a year. My baby is 3 month old and currently I am taking galact granules but it have lot of sugar and increasing my weight. Please advice.
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Preservatives free best eye drop

Hi Dr , please suggest me bestest effective preservative free eye drop for long term use for dryness without any side effects .
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Free b HCG assessment

In 12 weeks 2 days pregnancy test value is free beta HCG as 64.05 mlU/ml PAPP-A 2520 mlU/L. Pls suggest if it is fine
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