Recently Answered Questions on Free



What is the minimum free fluid in my pod?? what are its causes and treatment?? and what is dominant follicle in right abdomen??
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About cancer free treatment

I heard a news that is u r giving free treatment to cancer.. Pls tl me about that. Pls give me full details about that sir
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Free Fluid in pod

Hello I have done usg test on 10 day of my period as  suggested by Doctor. where report shows that free fluid seen in POD. can anyone help me free fluid in pod.  its means ovulution is on the way. can we try for pregnancy.
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Alcohol free minoxidil effetiveness

Does alcohol free minoxidil is as effective as alcohol based minoxidils??. If yes then y doctors prescribe alcohol based ones. They can provide alcohol free minoxidil to everyone ri8
4156 Views hidden

Low Free t4

I was not having thyroid. recently i gave test for free t3, free t4, tsh in which t4 is low. during past few weeks me schedule is very hectic, nor getting enough sleeps and was having pain in legs. so the low level can be due to that. so should i consult the doctor or get the test again next month before consulting any doctor for medications?
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Is Pneumococcal vaccine provided free

In the latest developments, is BMC providing the PCV - pneumococal conjugate vaccine free of cost to all children? The vaccine is expensive so I don't want to get it administered unless it's free and mandatory.
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Free T3 rise

I had my Thyroid profile done today after 3 months after I found my TSH elevated My TSH is normal at 3.50 but my free T3 is low normal at 0.67 I am taking 25mcg Thyroxine What to do for low free T3 Please advice
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Hair Loss / Low free T3 and Free t4

Hi, Would like to know that my hair are falling a lot . Is this related to Thyroid becoz my period are irregular from last 3-4 mnts and my thyroid results dated 22 Feb 2018 , TSH -5.06, total T3 is 87, Total T4 is 6.1. Also my Free t3 is 2.3 and Free t4 is .78 as of Oct 2017. I feel since my free t3 and free t4 is border line low hence hair fal/Avg blood glucose -71 value
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Low free t3, free t4 as well as tsh

I am on medication for hypothyroidism for last 4 years,of late I am having a lot of weight gain,which is resistant to exercise and proper diet, occasional constipation and oligomenorrhea for last 2 menstrual cycle. On my latest blood test my free te, free t4 as well as tsh came low. Also I have a history of galactorrhea 7yrs back,and recently I have some visual acuity loss with mild eye muscle weakness. PS: I am a freshly passed mbbs, please anyone replying do not consider my entire source of knowledge to be from google.I am really worried, Thanks for replying in advance.
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Free Testosterone Level.

Hi Doctor , I want to know , What is the Free Testosterone level range in male body ? I went to a pathological centre , they told 15-35 pg/ml is normal range for male, When I went to another pathological centre, they told 42-145 pg/ml is normal range for free testosterone in male body .. I'm totally confused . ( the range is for 20-29 yrs male ) .
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