Recently Answered Questions on FINAX


Hair regain

Hi my query is related to my hair I am using minoxidil minoqilib usp 5% topical solution, trichodoxil tablet and finax tab since 1 year but i am not geting any benefit. Please give me advice. Thanks
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Hair loss.

I am facing extreme hair loss since last 2 years. I have started taking finax 1mg and started applying tinfal lotion.please suggest if there any other thing i need to do
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Chronic mild headache

I have chronic mild headache from 1 yrs I'm using Mintop 5% and finax 1 mg for hair fall since 3 years Can these cause headache
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Covishield vaccine with finasteride 1 mg

Can I take covishield vaccine as I am taking finasteride 1 mg tablets.. tomorrow my appointment for the vaccine is scheduled and I have taken today night my finax tablet.. anyone pls help me out
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Suffering from male pattern hair loss

I am 20 year old and suffering from male pattern hair loss is finax 1mg good for me. I have been suffering from hair loss for 2 years ago
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Hairloss problem

I m suffering from hairloss problem so my doctor recommend me to use mintop 10% solution and finax 1 mg capsules. Is there any side effects n it will regrow my lost hair?
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Having issue with using finastaride

I having hair loss issue, but I am facing some problem while using finastaride tablets(Dr raddy finax) . By only using minocam n 5 after how much time I will expect result. Or what should I do now.
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Hairloss androgenetic alopecia

My doctor has prescribed finax 1 mg for alternate days.for a month. I was reading about its side im a little worried about it..please advice
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Prp for hair

I am suffering from hair from 2009. I applying mintop 10% and swelling finax . I need prp sessions for hair growth.
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Hair fall.

Hi, my dermatologist recommended me finax, one tablet a day to prevent hair loss, it's working well. I have been taking this for the past 4 months. How long should I take the medicine, any side effects?
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