Recently Answered Questions on FINAX


Hairfall problems

I have lost most of my hairs, I'm under medication on finax 1mg tab and hair4U 5% solution. I'm gaining little bit of hair but the new hairs are very thin and colorless.. Please help.!!!
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Post treatment for existing hair.

I had a hair transplant a month ago, I'm on minoxidil and finax from past few months. The effects of these medicines on me is terribly going wrong. So can prp alone or along with multi vitamins, preserve my existing hair (if this can keep up for another 5 years also its more than enough). I no more want to be on these medicines. Is there any way out escaping these medicines?
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Hairfall Problem

I am suffering from hairfall problem and have undergone PRPs and have been using derma roller from the last 2 years. Now I have started taking Finasteride Finax tablets this week. Please suggest me the best treatment I should undergo and kindly tell me what actually is the problem due to which my hair is not able to grow fast and are falling each day.
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I had used Finax 1mg for a year until I stopped it 4 months ago. Now I completely lost the hair I regrew. Now I am planning to take it again for a year and later reduce frequency and dosage and finally stop it. Will my hairfall increase again if I reduce the frequency and  stop taking it?
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Consult for shampoo usage

Hello..i have been suffering from hair doctor prescribed me finax and 8x anti dandrjff shampoo(although i dont have dandruff but oily scalp).thats why i wash my hair i use this shampoo daily.(i do not use minoxdil)
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Enquiry about shampoo

I have been prescribed for cipla 8x shampoo(anti dandruff) and finax by doctor for hair question is that i have oily scalp(no dandruff) so i shampoo my hair can cipla 8x be used i use less quantity.
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Confirmation regarding Medication

Good Evening. I've been prescribed to take Flinthair M 2.5 tablet at night and tablet finax in the morning along with mintop 10% solution at night and cuticapil solution in the morning for hair fall and hair regrowth. I checked the details of tablet Finax and it shows decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorder as common side effects. So kindly let me know if it is safe to take hairbless tablet instead of tablet Finax while consuming/using  the other prescribed meds mentioned above. Thank You.
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Androgenic Alopecia

I have been diagnosed with Androgenic Alopecia. I had started taking finax tablet and minoxidil and seen improvements. Due to some issues I stopped its use for about 2 months. Now I'm seeing hair loss again. Is it possible to recover the situation provided im regular with the treatment? Also the best shampoo recommended for alopecia?
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Sex problems in relation

I'm dating a girl since past 9 years and now i don't get physical attraction towards her from past few months. We're about to get married in next 2 years and my sex life with her is almost ruined. What could be the possible reason? What should i do? PS- Have been consuming Finax 1mg from past 3.5 years. Also, i masturbate often and that is going fine. Only issue is when i do with her.
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Erections problem

Hi Doctor, im 28 years old unmarried man and i have under gone hair transplant 8 months back and Doctor prescribed finax tablets for 3 months after having that, im not getting proper erection, i have stopped having the tablet 4 months back. But still im facing the same. Please suggest
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