Recently Answered Questions on FINAX


Chronic mild headache

I have chronic mild headache from 1 yrs I'm using Mintop 5% and finax 1 mg for hair fall since 3 years Can these cause headache
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Substitute of medicine

Hello sir! I am suffering from hair loss problem i lost some hairs from front side so i consulted with Dermatologist beacuse i am just 20years old & this problem started so I don't want to loose my hairs! Doctor prescribed me Tab Finax 1MG once a day & Mintop 10% Lotion twice a day and shampoo! I read some negative effects about Tab Finax so i am confused to start this tab or not? And Mintop 10% Lotion is a little bit expensive so can I use the substitute of this lotion? If yes then which one is good? Please answer. thanks
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Hairfall since 9 month

Hello sir i use presciption of my doctor and follow since last 9month they prescribe me finax 1mg table or hair 4u 5% solution and adhair tab used last 9 month daily In in the middle of treatment my haorfall is stop but now i have again same hairfall or i have new problem called gynocomestia little on my chest.. So i stop finax 1mg.. Only use hair4u 5% or adhair tab or sometime i take keraglo mens. Tab.. So it is workable or not or any advise for my gyno
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Hair fall problem

I hv been loosing my hair since 2012. Am 23 year male. My hair is getting thin nd easily break because of this. I hv loose much hair from the front. But now am taking finax by dr reddy since 2 months though no significant result hv been shown till now but wud like to ask you is finax 1 mg shud be taken daily without any gap or will it bring some changes or not. What else i can do to stop my hair falling. My diet is okay, i even do exercise. Guide me.
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Use of PRP in Hair loss MPB NW grade 3

I am 26 years old and have symptoms of NW grade 3 male pattern baldness. I am not confident about use of inbox and finax due to a lot of reviews regarding irreversible side effects. 1. Is PRP a proven success against hair loss and hair thinning due to MPB ? 2. Does PRP work without minox and finax and hair transplant or only in conjunction?
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Erection problem

Erectile problem:   I'm 25 and I had hair fall issues. So I was prescribed with Finax tablet for 4 months on alternative days. I had better results. After the fourth month I was prescribed with Keraglo men and H vit Forte tablets. Now it's almost 7 months for the hair fall treatment. After all these things I'm not keeping well with my sexual life. It is clear that it's because of Finax. Can some suggest me the best way to get back to normal sex life.
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Hairfall treatment

Hi , I am undergoing a treatment for hairfall and my doctor has recommended Finax tablet , which he has mentioned as a hormone tablets I was checking the side effects of the tablet in the net and I consider it a bit risky , is it safe to take the tablet considering the side effects ? I am applying anaphase shampoo and ducray night serum , i am consuming the nutrition tablet too Could anyone please advise if I shall start consuming Finax , Thanks in Advance Ashrith Shetty
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Hair fall low hair density

I am take nutriklas tablet and androanagen spray and finax 4 MG tablet after hair transplantation (6 months).. Now I am facing again hair fall fast losing.. Density is low... Please suggest to me... Thank you
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Hair fall problem

Will dermaroller treatment work for me i have been taking tablets of finax,hairbess ,vb7 and applying anaboom and chekfall F daily for past 6 months. Please help. New suggestions for hair treatment is welcomed.
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I am suffering from severe hairfall from last 3 age is 22 and i can see my bald scalp from front... Should i go for hair transplant or it can be cure by medicines as i have tried many medicines like minoxidil 5% with finax tablet but i can't see any results.. Please help me
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