Recently Answered Questions on FINAX



I am suffering from some urine infection and my doctor prescribed me Cap Becozinc G, Cap Contiflo icon 0.4mg and Cap Niftran 100mg. Along with these i am suffering from hairloss and my doctor prescribed me to take finax 1mg for treatment of hairloss, is it ok to take these medicines along with finasteride 1mg.
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Finax harmful or safe?

Hello Doctor, I am suffering from male pattern allopecia. I recently visited a dermatologist and she suggested me qilib spray, Androanegen Tablet, Minoxidil 10% 1 ml daily and Finax 1 mg daily. I have read a lot about Finax and its dangerous effects on males. I am worried about continuing this medicine as Finasteride has already been banned in many countries across the world. Would you suggest me consulting some other doctor or shall I continue with the suggested medication. Also I wanna let you know that I am taking good quality lean whey protein from last 4-5 months(No steroids) because I am a regular gym goer. Please respond in detail. Thanks
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Is finax safe if i have vitiligo issue?

Hi, I have hair loss and white patches issue. Met dermatologists(met 2 docs as I understand vitiligo as bit serious issue hence as I met 2nd doc for 2nd opinion). 1st doc suggested to take finax tablet along with few other for hair loss,plus few other medicines for vitiligo. But 2nd doc mentioned to take vitiligo medicines, and just some multi vitamins kind to keep/make hair healthy until vitiligo is treated or made stable. As per this my query is can finax tablet taken for hair loss, cause any known/specific issues for vitiligo patients? Also one doc suggested to take minoxidil serum while other suggested hair4u cpx serum. Could you please also suggest which is better choice for male pattern baldness as I see both have different compositions. Please try to respond to both of above queries. That will great help. Thank you...
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Finax 1 mg tab for mom!!

A dermatologist recommended Finax 1 mg for my mom who is suffering from severe hair loss. I checked out in Google about it and several sites say that it's not advisable for women to intake this tablet at all! Please tell me who is right in this case? Should my mom proceed taking the tab or should we have a word with the doctor about giving a wrong medicine?
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Finax 1 Tablet Side Effects In Men

Age - 30 Gender - Male Issue - Hair Loss, Hair Thinning, Mild baldness My dermatologist have suggested me Finax 1 Tablet once daily. But i checked over the internet & also my dr. told me there might be some sexual side effects. Please share your opinions and views on this. Shall i take it? Will it harm my family planning issues in long run? Will it adversely affect me sexually in future? Thankyou in Advance.
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Finax 1mg tablet for hair loss

I want to know about medicine Finax 1mg Tablet for hair loss, it has side effects (Decreased libido, Decreased semen volume, Impotence) and second thing about the medicine is (If you discontinue the medicine, you may lose the hair you grew while on it) , so what is the benefit of taking of this medicine, as soon as someone stop this, he will start losing hair again , so does it mean we need to take this continue as long as we don't want to lose hair for rest of the life ??
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Finax finestride

Can finestride result into more hairloss thought it is used to reduce hairfall? I am having it from last one month but after one month i can see severe hair fall
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Increase shedding of hairs after finax

I have been on finasteride for 5 weeks but i am experiencing excessive shedding of hairs. The hairs that fall out are generally thick and have a white buld like atructure at the end. Please help. Is finasteride working?? Tensed.
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Hair fall problem

Can i take finax to treat genetic hair loss problem. or any other suggestion ......please help me....
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Hair fall and finesteride .

My hair is falling, my doctor told me to take finax tablets, will it affect my beard growth.please suggest advice .
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