Recently Answered Questions on Edge


Skin infection

My family doctor say its fungal looks like small circles with red edges
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Sweat between thighs

Sweating between thighs and sometimes itching. Night time it is more. Skin was pinkish at the edges and rest was black.
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What is it called the violet in my nose

I has a violet in the edge of my nose between the eyes and on both sides of my nose. I dont know why, what can I do on this? I just scared. Can you please give me some details about this?
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Phimosis circumssion

On my pennis thick nerves were being held until the edge of the skin of pennis so that cutting my skin was possible or not
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Pain while urinating

It is paining at the pennis edge while urinating from past 4 years. Please tell me the remedy I have also taken stone test. Reports say there is no stone.
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Boil on eyelid

Hi, i have get a boil at the edge of my eyelid.. it has happened before and the eyelid gets swollen.. please let me know what i can do about this and also why this happenes
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Deep cut wound on head

Deep cut on left eye brow . Need to know if surgery is needed or not . Got hurt by the edge of the door as it went inside .
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Pain on frnt upper tooth

Feel Severe pain on front upper tooth.pain is very very severe when taking hot tea etc. and touching on the edge of the teeth
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Genital Wrat

I have developed a small wrat near the top edge of my vegina. It is soft and its itchy. what treatment should I take and where
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Pimples on face

I have small pimples on my cheeks mainly near the edge of lips and i have oily skin. please suggest something.
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