Recently Answered Questions on Edge


Underarm rash

Hot, red , bilateral underarm rash, feels hard and dry. It’s very itchy, the edges look regular but fades out closer to edge. Had this for about a week, i have tried E45 Cream and it only made it itchier.
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I am in depression

I am so much excited about sex but my husband is not interested i tried to speak him but he ignore not giving and importance in this part thats what i am feeling -ve about me for my marriage 2 years complited in this two year we had sex only 6 time i am so much in tension. My edge is 38 year and my husband edge is 39 can u please guide me.
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Itchy eyes and mucus of eyes

Since 3 days i have been having really itchy left eye First it was not that painful and later on each time i blink i had discomfort and pain especially at edges. Since 2 days i have been getting mucus at inner edge of eyes making it hard to open my eyes after sleep. Once i clear it with wet cotton i still feel discomfort after every blink .
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My edge 30 and my wife edge is 28 ,,married 2 .5 year back We are trying to conceive baby almost one year but we are unable to success. wife having left tube terminal block but she having 90% right side ovulation,we done 2 times IUI, What could be the next stap. Please suggest next step
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Redness & skin peeling - inner thigh

Near my inner thigh a week back I had small red circle, little itching and at edge the skin was peeling off. Currently the red patch has increased in size and at edges the skin is peeling off. Photo attached. What is it ? I am worried?
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Stool Consistency

From Bristol stool chart, Can stool type 5: Soft blobs with clear cut edges (passed easily) cause anal fissure? I had anal fissure last year after passing stool type 3: sausage shape with clear cut edges. Please let me know!
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Tongue ulcers due to tooth irritation

Sir, my tongue had severe cuts due to sharp edge tooth irritation, my dentist after desharpening the edges prescribed me candid paint and Tenovate_M, multi Vitamin and mouth wash, and diagonised me suffering from Leukopallakia, almost 20 days passed but irritation of my tongue although reduced but not fully cured. Please advice what to do next
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Tongue irritation

My tongue is getting rubbed against the inner edge of a broken tooth. The tooth was filed so that there is no sharp edge, when it was broken, but now suddenly I am getting an irritation on the tongue everytime it rubs against my tooth naturally. What can I do? Can I apply zytee gel on the tongue?
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A numb lip after sleep

So i had slept clunching my teeth onto the inside ofmy lip and when iwoke up my lip was numb, my lip is finenow but the edge of my lip still feels very numb , im really worried because im worried it might stop circulation in my face :( it just feels tingly on the edge of my lip if i touch it
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Pain in Right hand Thumb & Index fingers

For the past 1 week, the thumb and index finger of my right hand are paining. The pain is at the edge, below nails. I bit the edges of those nails, but generally the pain due to excess nail biting goes away in a day or two. But this appears different and the pain is in entire area under the nails, and it is for more than 1 week.
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