Recently Answered Questions on Edge


Blood from teeth

Whenever i sleep and wake up i get blood from teeth and its edges and after some time everything will be alright and i do not have any pain in teeth aswell
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Urine feel

After urination like after 30 sec to 1 min. I feel like urine is coming and stopped near edge of penis. It's happening since few days. I feel like it's passing by my private part and stopped near edge. Kindly help.
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I took etizolam 0.75 mg as an sos.

So does this need tapering?. Like i am not dependent on it i just take it when i get some anxiety or feel on edge. Before that i took 0.5 mg 3 to 4 days back for the very same reason anxiety/feeling on edge. But i am not getting that much reaction like i used to get from clonozepam.
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Eye tear duct

At the edge of eyes year duct some black stripe formed the stripe when some injury happens during healing a stripe will from, like that a stripe thing formed at the edge of tear duct and it is expanding to eye lid,
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Teeth shape

My teeth are aligned not ao bad. I don't have the need to clip them. But the problem is the shape of the teeth in the edges. I am looking for a treatment that would make the edge of the teeth look like a straight line. Can you please suggest me what procedures i need for that and how much all of it would cost me?
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Underarm rash

Hot, red , bilateral underarm rash, feels hard and dry. It’s very itchy, the edges look regular but fades out closer to edge. Had this for about a week, i have tried E45 Cream and it only made it itchier.
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I am in depression

I am so much excited about sex but my husband is not interested i tried to speak him but he ignore not giving and importance in this part thats what i am feeling -ve about me for my marriage 2 years complited in this two year we had sex only 6 time i am so much in tension. My edge is 38 year and my husband edge is 39 can u please guide me.
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Itchy eyes and mucus of eyes

Since 3 days i have been having really itchy left eye First it was not that painful and later on each time i blink i had discomfort and pain especially at edges. Since 2 days i have been getting mucus at inner edge of eyes making it hard to open my eyes after sleep. Once i clear it with wet cotton i still feel discomfort after every blink .
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My edge 30 and my wife edge is 28 ,,married 2 .5 year back We are trying to conceive baby almost one year but we are unable to success. wife having left tube terminal block but she having 90% right side ovulation,we done 2 times IUI, What could be the next stap. Please suggest next step
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Hair thinning

Hey doctor I got thining my hair on my forhead edges and found weakness of hair and removed hair clear skin ...whereas in my past I have hair on edge of forhead but now they are gone pretty stressed and don't understand what should I do now the baldness is quiet visible
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