Recently Answered Questions on COASTAT-GYNAE


Gynae- speculum exam during pregnancy

Respected Dr. Are speculum exam safe during pregnancy 18 weeks? I'm having itching and a bit pain in vaginal area and dr.  Might do speculum test? I fear it will open my cervix too. My cervix length at 15 weeks was 3.5 cm.  Just scared of speculum going inside. Please guide shall I go ahead.
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Gynae..pregnancy related problem

I am attaching my usg report.What does this report say?Do i need termination?If yes then termination can be done by medicine?or I need to visit hospital?
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Gynae...pregnancy related query

I am attaching my usg report.What does this report say?what shld i do next?Do i need termination??Can it be terminated by medicine or need to visit hospital?
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Gynae...beta hcg report

I have attached my beta hcg last period was on 10th feb...What does this report say??is everything ok??am i in the proper range??
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HSG query gynae query

Can I try to conceive the same month in which HSG is conducted? My tubes are patent and uterus is normal but dr. Is saying to start trying to conceive from next month. Can't I try the same month?
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Gynae prob urgent

I am on TTC all my reports are normal. I am on folliculometric study follicle size on 14 th day 20×14.5 took hucog 5000 injection.I had clome 50 mcg twice daily 3- 7 days. Lat lmp 13 th nov. She told me to take duphaston 10 mg twice daily from 16 th day. My egg may rupture within 36 hrs. So is it safe to take duphaston on 16 th day?  Is duphaston necessary. Will it be any harm if i dont take duphaston. My endometrium measures 9 . Please help.
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Gynae related issues

Me and my wife are trying to have baby but I have Type 2 diabetes, kindly suggest what are the steps should we need to take care. Please advise. Thanks n regards Bishnu
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Ruptureed egg during ovaluation by gynae

On day 14th  my follicle ruptured in it possible to get conceive... intercourse is before ovaluation or after ovaluation needed (on running ovaluation Ultrasound sonography day  day13 it:  was15mmfollicle)
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Best gynae doctors for infertility

Please mention some good gyane doc name for infertility related problems in jamshedpur...jharkhand..
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Gynae issues- infection in vulva

I'm having some abnormal growth/lump in the vulval area with smelly white discharge from started from last month. Please prescribe some medications/treatment options
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