Recently Answered Questions on COASTAT-GYNAE


Consult. Gynae

How a gynaec detects a precancerous cells in cervix, vagina & other parts of body in women
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Consult. Gynae

Can doxycilyn & lactic acid bicillus capsule treat std from its root.plz help
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Consult. Gynae

Can having sex with own husband cause STD. He had not suffer from STD there any possibility of getting it.
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Consult gynae

I have itching on the lower part of my left breast, it feels like an insect bite. But I am afraid, it could be a breast cancer
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Need gynae consult

She took medicine for abortion of 5weeks, but still she has bleeding and on ultrasound there are minor pieces showing. So can it be dissolve through pils or d&c need to done. And what will be charges of d&c ?
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Obstetrics & Gynae

I’m 6 weeks pregnant and I want know Side-effects of medicine during pregnancy. My doctor suggested me to take medicine Algest SR 300 once a day. Is Algest SR 300 tablet safe in pregnancy or not?
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Obstetrics & Gynae

I’m 6 weeks pregnant and I want know Side-effects of medicine during pregnancy. My doctor suggested me to take medicine Algest SR 300 once a day. I am taking this medicine since last 1 week, are there any side effects of this medicine?
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Gynae related

According to doctor i am 10 weaks pregnent and they told me to go through an ultrasound, After ultrasound they told me there is a sac of 6 weaks measuring 16.7 mm and there is no heart beat. I am really worried is that bad or i should wait
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Gynae related

I am 6 week pregnant but my progesterone level is 5.3. My doctor told me to take Duphaston & System 400mg tab twice a day and also she told me take susten 200mg injection twice a week. But after taking injection it giving me very much pain and also I have fever ninty eight decimal seven. Pls suggest if it is abnormal
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Gynae problm

I had irregular period after take treatment its regular after tht oligomennorhoea n now from1 mnth ago galactorrhoea both breast present n now i have too much vaginal itching pain wht i can do???
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