Recently Answered Questions on COASTAT-GYNAE


Gynae query

How many days of shift of periods in a month is considered safe? I usually used to have 2-3 days late, then right on the date. Recently started having my monthly cycles atleast 2-3 days early... Anything for concern?
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Gynae related

My periods date is 1st of every month but I have spotted some blood yesterday 27th of may at 7:30 pm and when i used pad then some blood spots was also showing in the morning today but now when I changed it then nothing is in the pad since morning 7 to till 2pm . I am married and I don't know what is it what I have to do why is it done . Please suggest
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Gynae queryy

My brother getting married soon but some issue in kundli... So wanted to consult that if a boy is O+ve and his would be wife is there any chance of getting naturely pregnant or will they have to get treated... And also will the child be physically and mentally healthy or will there be any problem in pregnancy ...
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Consult. Gynae

Can a pimples inside vagina relates with other problem in body. Plz help me
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Gynae Query

I am feeding my baby and had an unprotected intercourse. Is it safe to have a Pill of unwanted72 during feeding and let me know the other side effects as well ? My baby is of 7 week only
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Need urgent advice from a gynae

I had unprotected sex during my fertility period. I took an I pill 4 hours post the same. Its the seventh day today and I haven't shed any blood yet. Moreover there is a little abdominal pain and it pained while I urinated on the 3-4 th day of taking the pill. Also I notice a constant thick white vaginal discharge and could feel something bulging or a protrusion inside vagina, which wasn't prevalent before. Is it the side effect of the I pill or am I pregnant ?
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Gynae issue

Hi.. I m 37 year woman. I had my periods on 4th Sept and on 9th..we had an unprotected sex. How much chances to get pregnant. Should I take the i-pill? Actually don't want to take that due to it's side effects until n unless it's absolutely necessary. My periods generally comes 4 to 10 days before last date. Please help as don't want to b pregnant n also want to avoid the pill.
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Gynae query

In anomaly scan report what does liquor adequate for gestational age and deepest single pocket = 5.2 mean TCD = 19.9mm Foot length = 33 mm Fetal weight = 297+/- 30 mean Is this alright at 20 weeks
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Best gynae doctor in balasore

Please mention the name of best gynaecologist doctor for pregnancy treatment in balasore with its address and contact no
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Gynae related

I am using candid v6 fr the yeast infection for the first time. How long does it take to dissolve and more over how to know if it has dissolved or not.
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