Recently Answered Questions on Acyclovir


Lip vesicles

Hi doctor I have been getting tiny blisters or vesicles from the past 3 weeks n this week my lips are swollen and also the vesicles increased. I used acyclovir today 5 times but my lips started burning. Please advise how to cure this as m unable to go to office with such bad lips. Thanks Preethi
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Regarding hsv test

I have taken HSV test, but I had acyclovir medicine before that. Will it impact the result? I was diagnosed with oral herpes, but my new doctor looked at the photos and said he doesn't think it was herpes. So we took a test. I was getting dry lips and I thought I am also having a small pimple and I got scared and took the medicine.
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Herpes Blisters

I was diagnosed with Herpes had blisters under my penis and was given Acyclovir 800 for 7days X 5times. It was healed. Now I notice that every time someone performs oral sex on me, these blisters come back and then within a week heal on their own. Why is it getting triggered again and again and is this how it will be going forward?
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Chicken pox

I got chicken pox and today is the 13th day. After 5th day onwards I started feeling better. Today I noticed 2 more rashes. I have started feeling a bit nervous by seeing them. Kindly please suggest. I took acyclovir 400 1 tablet daily from day 3 but for past 2 days I not taking it any more.
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Herpes virus infection

Taking medicine acyclovir. But mucopain gel is not suitable. Getting burning sensation after applying the gel. Pain also increasing in the infected area. Want some better pain killer and some other medicines which can dry infections very fast. Getting high fever with shimmering daily.
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1st blister on 06 july. New blisters have stopped coming but they are not drying either. She has a very important exam on 15th july. Can by any medication, the blisters be gone by 15th so that she can appear the exam. Now she is having acyclovir and applying calamine lotion. Kindly suggest.
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Facial Paralysis

I have symptoms of facial paralysis like dryer eye, difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in speaking, difficulty in expressing facial expressions like smile etc. I found some drugs on internet for facial paralysis like PRESTIDONE and ACYCLOVIR. I want to ask that should I take these drugs or not? Is there any side effects of these drugs? Please reply me ASAP. Thank you
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Urethra burning

I experienced genital ulcers in the month of December 2020, when I met dermatologist he said it's genital herpes and advised to take acyclovir 400 mg 3 times for 7 days and fusidic acid cream twise a day. Blisters cleared but they started reappearing very frequently. If I take acyclovir they will clear and once j stop taking they'll start appearing again and now new problem BURNING INSIDE URETHRA is started its unbearable burning. What's the reason for this? Please advise me.
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Suffering with HSV 1 & 2

Outbreak on fingers n thighs Firstly I have used acyclovir 800 BD tab for 15 days. After one month I have gone for test again it reduced from 4.69 to 2.86. After gap of one month I have started same dose again since one month. My wife suffering from HSV 1&2 (IGg 4.96) n she has no outbreak s. I have given same dose as above. I am using aloevera with turmeric cream for application. I am suffering from since 9 yrs. I.e. From my marriage onwards. I have already used acyclovir execareF creams but no use. Please help me to get over from this.
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Chicken pox , Herpes

Hello dear sir /mam i'm a 20year old guy . Earlier i had chickenpox after the treatment of chicken pox i got symptoms of herpes my doctor suggested to me acyclovir i took it for five days thrice in a day . After stopping acyclovir cold sores and genital area are getting symptoms of herpes I'm very stressed about this even though my family didn't know about this . As I searched this only transmit through sexual contact . I'm very afraid that these things will be harmful for my sexual life . Even though I'm unable to tell someone that i have this problem . Is this std or can occur for other reasons . Will it be life longer will it affect my fertility and will it transmit to my child in future
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