Recently Answered Questions on ASCORIL-C


Exercise after c-section

I had c-section on the month of September 2018. It is now 6 months.When can I start exercise after c-section?
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Lack of vitamin C

Hi, I face multiple problems due to lack of vitamin C. Can you please tell me how to increase vitamin C in my body?
590 Views hidden

D and c pregnancy

Can you please update how soon can we plan pregnancy after the d and c ... Can you please update how soon can we plan pregnancy after the d and c ...
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Thyroid an hep c

I have thyroid disease and just found out I have hep c will my thyroid effect treatment for the hep c
113 Views hidden

Plan pregnancy after d&c

I had d&c due to miscarriage . So we are again planning. But after d&c. My periods are very less, not like before. It finished within 2 days only. Is this normal?
2696 Views hidden

Ultrasound is important after d&c or not

I would like to know about whether usg is important after d&c procedure or not I got d& c done Do i need to get usg done
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Any good vitamin c serum suggestion

I want a vit c serum for maintainence of skin .. Any suggestions for a very good vit c serum? Thanks in advance
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Zinc and Vitamin c

When and at how many times One should take Zinc and Vitamin C tablet? Which are good  Vitamin C Tablets?
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Why piditrican need while planed c secti

Why pidiatric need while planed c sections done by gynecologist.and what is the roll of child docter while c section is made
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C section recovery

Please suggest me when to start doing yoga after C section delivery and can I go for gym after C section
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