Recently Answered Questions on ASCORIL-C


Hepatits c

My friend's family has a history of hepatitis c and suffered 2 deaths because of this. How can this be prevented so that it is not transferred to other family members. Can you please tell me if there is any vaccination for hepatitis c like hepatitis a and b, if yes, then please suggest some hospitals in delhi who provides this.
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Hepatitis C

Hi, My father is suffering from hepatitis C. We consulted doctor and as per her suggestions we made hep c viral load qualitative and quantitative tests and other tests suggest ed by doctor related to hep C . We are taken medications for 3 months but still the latest reports are showing positive as mentioned we used VELOSOF tablets for 3 months ,it's costs 11000rs for 28 tablets(per month) My questions: Is hepatitis C is curable? Any other medicine or any other recommendations that cures hepatitis C ? Please suggest on this..! Thanks in advance...
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Max c section

I have 2 daughters via c section and planning for third one. How many c sections are safe? And should i plan for third one?
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Vaginal Birth after c sec

Is a vaginal birth after c section(vbac) possible within a year of c section? Does vbac has any risk ?
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Sex after c section

How many weeks after c section we can have intercourse i have completed 2 weeks after c section can i have intercourse
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D and C procdure

Please explain D and C procedure for abortion What preparation to be done before D and C How much time does it take
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Exercise after c-section

I had c-section on the month of September 2018. It is now 6 months.When can I start exercise after c-section?
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Lack of vitamin C

Hi, I face multiple problems due to lack of vitamin C. Can you please tell me how to increase vitamin C in my body?
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D and c pregnancy

Can you please update how soon can we plan pregnancy after the d and c ... Can you please update how soon can we plan pregnancy after the d and c ...
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Thyroid an hep c

I have thyroid disease and just found out I have hep c will my thyroid effect treatment for the hep c
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