Recently Answered Questions on Z-STAT


Gain weight

I'm 5'4 21 years old and 42kg how can I gain weight I don't feel hungry at all even if I do once I stat eating I feel it's enough also I'm vegetarian
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Obesity problem

Can I use O-Stat 120mg daily for reducing weight. What will be the recommended doze? My weight increasing day by day. I take moderate diet. Or else recommend some other means to control weight.
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Semen loss and joint pain entire body

I am suffering semen loss since few year. It was stats in 2010 but i have treatment and well fine. But again what i observed in few days its again happen. I have problem of joint pain also. i need to treatment asap. I request to you pls suggest me soon.
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Pain and Motion after meal

Hello sir my mom is actually having a stomach related problem. Anytime she eat something she stats feeling pain in her stomach and thereafter she has to go to the loo This has become a very serious problem to her And also this has become the daily routine. Kindly suggest me something to do for my mom so that she could get over soon. Thank you.
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Skin deccese

I facing my fingers skin decease, skin getting removed and skin become hard and after removing the skin stats bleeding,
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Consult pregnancy

I had done the follicular study and in that the follicle ruptured then i conceive but now my period stats today.. I didnt get pregnant Why this happen?
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Pain at center of head

Hii sir i feel some pain at center of my head between two eyebrows. Its starts where nose ends and center of head stats. When i close eyes i feel some streaches . Can u plz suggest me anything
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Inj HCG 10,000 iu stat T1 × 5 days What does T1 × 5 DAYS means My doc wrote like this can anyone knows what T1 stands for
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Hair fall problem

I was having hair fall since last 2years , so I was using Minoxidil (MX5) and after stat it stop falling. So i stop it drastically. But now the hair problem has started again , so should I continue solution and tablets (feroniaD3, VB7 hair)?
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Covid patient

I got some tests done  for my mother and got the report just now .want to know if anything serious although I will visit doc tomorrow. CRP : 7.2 IL6 :9.56 Rest all stats are in range
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