Recently Answered Questions on WINOLAP


Eye Allergy

Whenever I am exposed to air, AC, and even small dust particles I have eye problems- pain, irritation, itching, watery eyes, redness. My eye sight becomes temporarily blurred sometimes. I had been facing this problem from past 4 years. My doctor said I have eye allergy and advised me REFRESH and WINOLAP DS eye drops, but the problem was solved only to some extent. Later I was advised SYSTANE ULTRA drops, but the problem was the same. Is there any permanent solution for this problem? I had also been suffering from skin rashes under the eyes and around the nose. Is that because of tears? And are there any tests to pinpoint the cause of allergy?
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Dry cough bronchitis

Hi i am really tense with my cough.consulted few doctors and everyone says its bronchitis but i dont get relief from any of the medicines changed few doctors but no improvement i cough so much that it is paining so much in my chest took different medicines like lcz plus gramocef 200,seretide inhaler. Forocort inhaler,winolap and everything from montec lc syrup ascoril,syrup grillinctus.and nothing is happening am so fed up know that i don't feel like taking medicines as this problem comes after every two months please suggest something as i cant sleep all night i want my sputum to come out as its giving me chest pain as well with continue cough all day and night thanks
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Pain on just above and behind left eye

I done cyst removal on out side of the lower lid of left eye on 28 April 2022.before that my eye is fully checked no problem.some times itching  due to allergy.after 3 days of surgery  I have itching burning sensation and above eye pain and pain behind eye ball only relates  left eye and right eye no issues igo to consult opthalogist she checked eye and  said no problem only dry eyes she prescribe   soho drops and winolap max for month.but now iam not have burning sensation and itching on eyes but left eye pain some times means 3-5mins slightly  paining per day 1or 2 times a day.this pain is not is due to outer eye lid cyst surgery.because iam not take rest properly.I continue my work 2 days after surgery.I checked eye nerves all normal.please suggest me what should be the problem.I attached my reports.
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