Recently Answered Questions on Tax-O-Bid


Salmonella Typhi (O) value =1:80 titre

Hi, My mother is 59 years old. Since past 3 days she has cough,nausea and fever. On DOLO 650 her fever has come down to 99 degrees. We got a FEVER PANEL test done from MAX LAB as per which the SALMONELLA TYPHI O is =1:80(Reff range is
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Cure for Typhoid with S typhi o @1:160

I have done widal blood analysis as suggested by doctor and report says S Typhi O at 1:160 . Had very high fever ~103 and severe headache . Fever disappeared in 2 days. But headache continues. And also started to develop cough and couldn't sleep due to coughing. Doctor suggested that it will be cured with antibiotics just wanted to have second opinion about how many days it will take to be healthy again so that I resume my office.
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Taxim O 200 mg tablet during pregnancy

Hi My wife has 20 weeks pregnant we done urine culture last 5 days back it shows coloumn count 1000 cfu/ml but no symptons but my doctor advised 3 days course taxim O 200 mg tablet and pan d tablet combination is it safe in pregency please guide us .we should Continue or not please guide us.
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BP - 100/50 ;s.thyphi 'o' - 1:160

My wife has suffered from loose stools for past 10 days. Whatever she had after which she had loose stools. Had nausea and vomiting from morning. Her BP was 100/50. Widal test s.typhi 'o' - 1:160 . Doctors told she has typhoid, but didn't have any fever ( temp 96.8) . They asked to get her admitted. But she feels okay after 2 bottles of drips. Does she have to be admitted to hospital, or can she be treated with medicine alone.
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S.typhi o 1:80 positive  and esr is high

My grandmother suffering from fever(from 5days). Breathlessness from 4 years and chronic light dry cough from 1year. Blood test report: S.typhi O is 1:80(+), S. typhi H is 1:40(+), esr is 65mm/1st hour , hb is 10gm, TWBC is 5200 cells/cumm, TRBC is 4.2 millions/cumm. Blood report files attached bellow. Is it typhoid or not. Please tell me the problem and solution. Thanking you
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Increased esr level h/o sever fever

52yr old female,non severe aplastic anemia patient. ATG injection was given 5yrs back. Now pt,hb,wbc,rbc count and all were in normal limits.1month back she had severe fever,fever subsided nowthe blood result shows an Increased ESR level(121)with decreased hb count(10.2) h/o diarrhea for past 4days What does that mean? Is there anything to worry?
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O typhi on 25th june 1:60, today its1:80

My O typhi on 25th june was 1:60, today its 1:80 and showing positive. Is it positive? Is my typhoid relapsing again after antibiotics?
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Widal teast report H 1:240 AND O 1:240

Fever with headche from last 7 days. Widal test report H 1:240 and O 1:240. Fever range 103 F with chills
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K/c/o multiple autoimmune d/i

I am on Sulfasalazine and HCQ for knee pain and swelling (ACCP and ANA positive,RA factor negative) for past 1 year. I also have other autoimmune d/o like Morphea, alopecia areata and on treatment(antihistamines BD) for chronic urticaria (ASST positive). I tested positive for COVID on Sept 14th. Today I performed RAT to end isolation and it's still positive. Is it due to my altered immune status and when should I get tested again to end isolation?
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Feeling lazy and typhi o 1:80

I am sick from more than 15 days, initially was having vomiting and took medication after Dr consultation. Had also done USG with all ok result. Later I still felt shivering and after a day got tested for SGPT with result 19 IU/L and Widal test slide with result S.Typhi 'O' as 1:80. I want to confirm is it typhoid positive or not. Also the Dr had provided me ALBI-400 to eat in 5 days duration and Panido DSR tablet to be taken in once in a day. Is this medication ok for my situation as after 2 days off this I still feel the same lazyness and gas all the time.
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