Recently Answered Questions on TG-TOR


High LDL , Low HDL

Respected Doctor, One day, I have found a yellow spot on my eye lid. I have checked my cholesterol level. Total Cholesterol 230, LDL 170, Hdl 41, TG 107 After 3 months, I have checked cholesterol again My Total Cholesterol 176, LDL 127, HDL 35,TG 104 After 6 months I checked again. My Total Cholesterol 165, LDL 116, HDL 35, TG 90. Should I start medicine? Please help me
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About some topics

Completehealth checkup My lipid profile LDL 72 ( direct) Tg 412 Total cholesterol 141. Fbs 73. Ur cr k na normal. Cbc - normal Normal usg with renal artery doppler. Except fattylive 1. Ecg- non specfic t inversion in lead 3. Possible normal ecg. Echo- normal. 24 hrs abpm :controlled. Normal. Tsh: 6.02 ft4 1.21 24 hrs urine vma normal. After that doctor did not gave me medicine for tg. What i can do? About tg? Symptoms no
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Blood pressure fluctuating

My blood pressure is fluctuating from 111/79 to 133/89. I checked for last 7 days. My question is, Is medicine required for this condition? Lopid profile report, Total cholesterol:202 TG:237 LDL:158 HDL:34
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Sub clinical Hypothyroidism. TSH 7.15

TSH - 7.15, T3 and T4 normal. Anti thyroid antibody (tg) on higher side- 145. TPO is is range - 5.0. No other health problem. Don't feel tiredness. Or no increase in weight. What should I do for above mentioned level.of TSH.
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Lipid profile results

My HDL chlostrol values are 31(L) TG values are 181(H) LDL values are 106(H) Total chlostrol 162(Normal) What does these values specify. Do I need to visit any doctor for any medication? Please suggest.
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Very high ldl-c

I am 30 years old.. my ldl-c & tg values came 200 & 254 respectively.. my hdl-c is 45.. 8 months back ,1 year back, my ldl-c was 160 & TG was around 200..but I didn't take any medicine.. now it has raised to high levels. Should I start statins ?. I am going on a trip for 2 wks in 2 days time .. can I wait till I come back from my trip or should I immediately strat statins after consulting s physician? No significant family history.. my father & mother  taking atorvastatin 10 .. no other major cardiac history in family
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Blood report

Hello Doctor, I did my blood check as regular routine and this time I noticed Few high/low points VLDL 76 TG 380 T3 82 TSH 16.290 Lymphocytes 44 - %- 25-40 Polymorphs (Neutrophils ) 47 - % - 55-70 Please suggest on this
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Lipid profile

Respected sir/mam I have done lipid profile report is Cholesterol, Total - 238 .0 mg/dl Triglyceride- 291.0 mg/dl Non HDL Cholesterol- 175.0 mg/dl TG HDL Ration- 5:1 Everything is high Please sir tell me !!!! Which medicine do i have to take for these reports
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Lipid profile test

My bp around 120/75 Non smoker Attached my lipid profile test result Total chol -194 LDL 115 HDL 40 TG- 240 Should I start taking medicine? Or exercise /diet ?
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Taking Cilacar T for high blood pressure. Still Current BP is 140/100 An echocardiogram report comments are attached. Other tests Total Chol -218 LDL- 168 HDL-37 TG- 150 Any observation in echo which needs to be treated?
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