Recently Answered Questions on TG-TOR


Triglycerides level high

My TG level is 246 Total 222 Ldl 158 Hdl 42 Should I go for life style modified or start medicine. Please advise . Rosuvas 10 mg is suggested . Will this be long term and have side effects. Or first I should start with preventive method
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Pregnancy- Normaz ds

Hi, I am 5 weeks pregnant, I have conceived naturally, I have pcos since 4.5 years. My doctor recently prescribed me to take Normaz ds , recent blood report- borderline Tg, prediabetic. Is it safe to consume during pregnancy ?Please suggest. Will it interact with fetus development. TIA
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Blood sugar and organ test

I had diabetes since 2 years .today I check my blood sugar .in fasting is 174.1 and PPBS is 128.7 and HbA1c is 6.9. Is it the correct one?? And in lipid profile HDL is 43.39 , VLDL cholesterol is 54.34 and TG is 271.7 .What does it mean?? What improvement needed??
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Vertigo ,gas acidaty

I m diagnosed grade 1 heart dysfunction.pressure 120/80.ppbs115 Cholesterol 200 Ldl 100 Hdl 34 Tg 180 Vldl 40 But sometimes feel light chest pain at rest also But no problem occur during exercise What should I do
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Sildenafil or Tadalafil

I am having high LDL & triglycerides and low testosterone. I am advised to take dylsiptin TG and 4 aquaviron. One doctor advised me Sfilm(Sildenafil) and another one Edsave 5mg(Tadalafil). The later dissuaded me to take sildenafils as these cause loss of vision as side-effect. Please suggest me which generic I should go for between the two. Also explain about the side-effects of both the generic medicines.
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Chronic pancreatic

I'm suffering from chronic pancreatic from last 4 years does ime9 can help me in my sickness? I can't eat any kind of food only boiled daal .medicines I'm taking creaon 25000,tonac tg,,nexpro rd 40 and creamafin plus
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Starting Atorvastin

Wt:61kg, Ht: 171cm. Since last one year my cholesterol levels are high. The recent are:: TC: 231, Tg: 194, LDL: 151, HDL: 43 and VLDL: 36. My doc recommended to start Atorvastin 20mg. Should I start the medicine? Once started it can be discontinued? My recent stress echo is normal.
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Medicine alternative

My mother is having high levels of triglyceride..hence doctor has given her a medicine called Tonact Tg. but sir..we belong to a poor family and the cost of this medicine is little high..hence the pharmacy boy suggested us to take Lipikind F..becase of same composition and much lower price..Sir is this Ok?
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Low HDL: High_TG

I have just got my blood test done. What i found that my CHOLESTEOL TOTAL is 139 (in range), HDL is 34 (low), LDL is 89(in range) and TG is 161(high). What does this specify, am i on risk of heart disease. What is the process to make these parameters all in range.
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Fluctuations of Bilirubin

Hi doctor, I am suffering from jaundice from last 14 years. For first few years I took treatment for tha but no results..after that it's never comes down to normal. But I don't have any symptoms of jaundice. Recently I diagnosed as high cholesterol TG it's 300. Doctor can u suggest something for me. I m tensed.
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