Recently Answered Questions on TELMISARTAN


Medicine concern for covid vaccine

Hello, My father is aged 65 (weight 61 kg), and he has arrhythmia, his heartbeat increases to more than 150 sometimes. He is also on thyroid and hypertension medication. Listing his medication below: Flecarite 100 mg Telmisartan 40 mg CTD 6.5 Rivaroxaban 20 mg Metoprolol 12.5 mg Thyronorm 37.5 mg In addition to this he has high uric acid and borderline triglycerides. (recently diagnosed) Would it be safe for him to go for the covid vaccine? Which one would be safer, covaxin or covishield?
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High Blood Pressure when Lying Down

I am 25 Years male, strictly vegeterian, no alcohol or smoking. I have mild to moderate hypertension since 7 years. I am on treatment i.e., Telmsiartan 20 one tablet in the morning. Since 3,4 days back, i started feeling mild suffocation, hence checked the BP which was around 160/100 while lying down. But when sitting in the chair it comes down around 130/70. My doctor has increased dose of telmisartan 20 to 40 one tablet in the morning. But still, while lying down my BP reading is 150/95 or 150/100.
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Weight loss tips

I am 27 years old,  5'10" tall and weigh 131 KGs. Hypertensive, on telmisartan 40 mg OD. Also suffering from mixed anxiety depression, using fluoxetine 60mg OD. I have started many exercise regimes but each time ended it inconsistently. I feel tired very fast and sweat a lot. I also feel hungry a lot,  and have an eating problem. I really want to lose weight. My target is 80 KG. I am currently doing basic yoga every day for 30 min and cycling for 15 to 20 min every day. Suggest some diet which can be easily practiced. I am a pure vegetarian.
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I am under treatment for BP since 5 years, My Systolic BP always remains between 130 and 140 and Diastolic BP between 90 and 100. Is this a problem? Current medications are Cilnidipine 10 mg bd Telmisartan 40 mg od night. Also taking Medicines for high uric acid and hypothyroidism. Febutaz 40mg od Thyronorm 25 mg ( Reduced from 50 mg due to low TSH 0.07 and high FT4 2.6 ) Having rapid heartbeats sometimes.
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B.P high even after Medication

I am 56 years old. I am suffering from hypertension since last 12 years. I am borderline diabetic but my blood sugar is very well controlled. I am taking Telmisartan-H once daily for bp. But since few days my bp is high in the range 160/90 to 170/100. I consulted my physician and he increased dose of the medicine by adding half tablet at night. But my bp is still high 150/85. It some times shoot to 165/93. All the test of kidney came normal. Please suggest better medicine for bp control.
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SOB on exertion -

8 months back had SOB after HIIT. ECO,TMT,Xray,ECG,Lipid,PFT,Sugar test all normal cardiologist told its BP fluctuation. I been in extreme weakness for months After 70% recovery I started jogging and after again 6-7 months i got mild SOB n if i take more than 35 stairs then SOB doc gave telmisartan now SOB in morning and weakness but good in eve. doc ask me take water and medicine
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Adenocarcinoma in prostate

Urologist consulted after high PSA of 9.8 ng/ml. MRI and biopsy detected adenocarcinoma, in one core out of 12 cores. Gleson score is 3+3=6/10. Bone scan indicated no metastasis. Last week PSA test result is 7.56. Would like to know which treatment is most beneficial- Robotic radical prostactomy or Laser ablation. Name of the hospital who carry out Lase ablation of prostate cancer. My age is 68+ and general health is good, only with medicines for hypertention( Amlodipin-5mg & Telmisartan 40mg)
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Fatty Liver Treatment

Does Grade 2 fatty liver requires medical attention or life style changes enough. I was told after USG Abdomen 7 months back that i have grade 2 fatty liver and told to reduce weight and do regular exercise. Now i feel sleepy all the time. Diastolic BP is elevated ( 140/110 ). Also have severe joint pain. Serum Uric Acid is 8.3 mg/dl. Currently taking Cilacar and Telmisartan for hypertension.
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About medicine

My Bp was 140/80, 72 bpm, taking Telmistran 40mg twice a day, went to clinic for diabetic checkup sugar is under control, doctor prescribed Tigatel H (Telmistran 40mg hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg) and told me take only once a day, after 10 days i again went to check up bp was 160/100, doctor again changed the drug met XL trio(Cilnidipine 10mg + Metoprolol Succinate 50mg + Telmisartan 50mg), should i follow according to doctor or follow Telmistran 40mg twice a day... for 72years aged person 140/80 was normal why doctor is changing medicine???
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Dizziness during exercise

Hello I'm 50F. I was diagnosed with hypertension last December. My bp was 147/90. In Feb i got ECHO done which came clear except mild LVH. EF was 60%. LV chamber size and mass was normal. Systolic and diastolic function was normal too. TMT was negative too. The doctor put me on Telmisartan. It's been 1.5 months since I started taking the medicine. Now my BP comes around 124/82. However I have noticed that during exercise, i start feeling dizzy. I'm thinking my bp goes too low during exercise. What should I do?
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