Recently Answered Questions on Shine


Nose is shiny but nearar portion is dark

I used skin light cream 1 month,after my nose is shine and nearar portion is dark .plz help me..
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Whiting teeth

Paste for whiting teeth or other treatments to get shine back on teeth Aur some other treatments..................................
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Deep Scars on face

I've been facing deep scars on face and I want to get it clear so that my face shines good and should look smooth.
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Lump near armpit

My wife has got lump near the armpit area. Which doctor shall we consult? Is it a shine of something dangerous?
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Skin is getting dull

My skin is getting dull and black day by day it has lost its shine and original color. I didn't tried any medication regarding that can you pls suggest
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Use of skinshine

Is their any side effects with skin shine sir please tell me the alternate medicine to prevent the side effects of the skinshine.continuation of skinshine is safe or not
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Any medicine to get glowing ,fairer skin

Suggest me a medicine to get glowing and ,fairer skin of my face like celebrities face shine like a mirror.
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About B B creams

What kind of B B cream will be good for me as my skin is acne prone skin and after while day my skin shines with sebum.
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Brain problem

My cousin has been diagnosed with abnormal myelination. ( Brain) T2 SHINE THROUGH SECONDARY TO GLIOSIS
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Skin effects

I am using skin shine cream and soap for 2 months. Nw I am stopping it effect to my skin?
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