Recently Answered Questions on Shine


Dental Bleach

I want to clean and shine my teeth so is it appropriate if I bleach it. Please suggest pros and cons.
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Permanet tattoo

How to take care of it keep it shine  maintain and till how long should we take care and should we apply on it.
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Hairfall problem

I am having hairfall problem. My hairs are getting thin and loosing shine. So what is the problem and what medicines should be taken?? Please help me out in it...
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Becoming short

I feel iam becoming short in height, what to do, thus someone become short, already i am short, my shine bone pains
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Skin type doubts

Kindly suggest whether the usage of skin shine cream for regular basis. If any problem occur for use it. Pls advice........
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Skin effects

How could I stop using skin shine cream after completed 3months it does not effect my face
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Hair fall from head scull

Hair fall in one place of head skin get shine from that part. Please help to get solution
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Permanet tattoo

How to take care of it keep it shine  maintain and till how long should we take care and should we apply on it.
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Skin whitening cream

I have been using skin shine cream cream for long time now i want to buy any other alternative cream of skin shine as same benefits
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Skin problem

I was jailed for 1 month for a totally fake reason there the water was really bad which has totally made my skin dull. I was white and there was a shine on my face but due to tension and bad water my body colour is turned down nd there is no shine on my face what can I do to get my colour and shine back
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