Recently Answered Questions on Shine


Hair problem

My hair falls a lot and very rough and frizzy.I have lost shine of my hair..Hair growth is very slow.
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Foreteeth shining some outward

Foreteeth are protruding outward. Lips closing seem awkward.they shines some outward .we want them to set in regularity.
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Knee swollen

For last week my knee has been swollen and shine sore Now I have bruises around my ancle In a ring?
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Skin problem

I brought skin shine crime and use 3 daya at night... Now I have a problem my skin hot all time Plz any suggestions for this problem
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Headache and hair loss also face

Hello sir im 24 years old i have 21.6 hb how i do for better face shine also
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Suggest me doctor

Having redness due to the use of this skin shine cream... Suggest me any cream to not to loose my colour and to stop using this cream doctor
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Skin problems

Hlo..! Since 3day I'm using skin shine product to face .did get any problems to my face plz help me doctor
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If I stopped the cream,,what will happen

Iam use skin shine cream , my face become fair , if I discontinue that cream what will happen ? Or I will go back to my own skin ,?
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Face got darker and shineless after preg

During pregnancy my face got darker and shineless, and after pregnancy also it has not recovered, what medicine I can use to get the fairness and shine in my face again.
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Yellow teeth

I am 17 years old And i have been using braces for 2 years and my teeth became yellow due to that reason So what should i do to regain my shine
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