Recently Answered Questions on Rifagut


Gas,i digestion constipation

I am suffering from gas problem in morning only gas paas no motion occur. I have shownmany doctors since 1 year.Every doctor says your food not digest. My endoscopy negative. Lft,kft,iron, all body test negative. My current medicine prothiaden 50 mg three times a day after meal. Two times empty stomach pan it for gas. For constipation freego powder lactitol monohydrate+ isabgol at night. Petril MD 0.5 mg at night. UNIENZYME two times after meal and rifagut 400mg two times after meal. But only 50% relief by rifagut. I think I have stomach infection. Should I take ornof or azithral500 mg two times plz suggest.
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Pain left side lower rib

Hello I am having pain at my left side lower rib which moves to side & back from past 1.6 years sometimes it goes no pain but suddenly came back before this it goes silent for weeks but it's come daily ... Now I am having gas issue stomach tightness and all for that doctor gave me pentocid and rifagut which I taken for 15 days doc gave me medicine for IBS but that pain in my left lower ribs is still there ... No cough no fever i am a smoker advised to stop and I stopped.
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Lower Abdomen get swollen

My wife age 30 years is complaining that her lower abdomen area is getting swell, and constant pain through out out the day in that area with back pain and burning sensation The pain is slight pain but it's constant through out the day, yesterday usg abdomen was done report is normal only mild fatty liver is there. Doctor has given drotin ds, rifagut, and cizaspa x but it's same and today also lower abdomen is swelling pls help what to do and why is it so.
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Stomach gargling sound

I am facing stomach gurgling sound during my class in classroom from past 2 months and i feel very embracing and unable to concentrate on my studies i take light and healthy food in morning like poha , kichdi and sometimes fruits . After fed up from this i started taking normaxin and rifagut 550 mg does they treat my problem. And also face gas comeing out from mouth after wake up and many times in between day basically burping
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Anxiety issues

Takin udiliv 300, rifagut 400, darolac. All 3 two times in a day. 1 Moza plus empty stomach. Taking all above from last 18 days as my liver sgpt was 110. Doctor suggested for a month. Since the day I am taking these medicine, I am facing anxiety issues fast heartbeat while sleeping What should I do? Am I having any heart issue? Bp 130 80, lipid normal. Tmt ecg echo reports attached. OR above medicine having these side effects?
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Endoscopy Results

Hi... I was admitted in the hospital last week with severe chest pain... Ecg, echo and coronary angiogram were normal... And endoscopy was done... Attached the endoscopy Results ... Medications I am currently on are RIFAGUT 550, NEXPRO 40, NORMAXIN for gastric and CLOPITORVA for Heart and Anxit for anxiety... I just need to know whether I have any serious problem based on the endoscopic results ... And I am still having on and off chest pain and chest pressure...
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Gastro problem

I am having sudden urge for bowel movement with cramp for last one week. I am taking Rifagut along with probiotic as per Doctor's prescription but still it is not improving my situation. Stool is not watery. Sometimes mucous is visible. There is foul smell in stool which was not usual. Yesterday I found round worm in stool and took Albendazole 400. Please suggest, what else can be done to improve the situation.
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Gastric & abdominal pain

For last 2 months I am having gastric problem. Taking PPI & Rifagut for last 20 days on the advice of doctor. Done USG of abdomen, found fatty liver nothing else. As long as take medicine feel bit comfortable but as stop taking medicine it get worsening. Feel burning sensation & mild pain always in stomach which get worse after pooping. For last 2 months I haven't eaten spicy food. Doctor advised me to continue with medicine. Please suggest me should I continue with it or go for another diagnosis. Please suggest me as I am concerned for serious problem
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Loose motions

My mother had red spots in my body for which She took Azee500 , after that she started having 4-5 loose motions everyday , today is 19th day it is not stopping. She is taking colospa 1*1 , VSL3 1*1 , and started Rifagut 1*1*1 since 5 days and still motions are continuing. Please suggest treatment.
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Erosive Gastritis & H.Pylori

I Have Done my endoscopy and found that I have Erosive Gastritis with H.Pylori Infection . I was suffering from Acidity from few months . I have IBS and Anxiety problem. Doctor prescribed me some medicine Librax Rifagut 200 Pyroflush, Lesuride ,Nexpro 40 . Is that enough for my H.pylori Eradication?? Doctor just suggest me to take Pyroflush after looking into my  endoscopy report.(RUT -Positive). I have attached a Copy of my Endoscopy Report
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