Recently Answered Questions on Rifagut



Hi doctor. Last 1 month I had loose stool. After completing 5 days of rifagut 400 I had a normal stools for 3 days. Since today morning am facing loose stools again. I had chicken yesterday I don't know whether it is because of that. Shall I take cyclopam and imodium tablet. If so when I should take these pls reply doctor.
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Post infectious ibs

Sir I have been suffering from post infectious ibs from past 2years symptoms have improved but still I have 1-2 minor flares in a month will it cure over time... I took rifagut for 14days later till now I am taking only probiotic My symptoms tenesmus and occasional semisolid motions during flare up... Will it cure over time
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Excessive flatulence

I have excessive flatulence. I pass gas more than 100 times a day. I cannot pass stool at once. So I have 3 incomplete bowel movements daily. There is also tightness in the stomach. I have tried out a few things like regular exercise , avoiding tea or coffee. I have also taken medications like providac, rifagut and antacids. But no use. There is no pain in the stomach but too much passing of flatulence. Please suggest a solution.
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Hi From last 7 days Im facing problem with indigestion ,stomach bolting, gastric, murmuring sounds in stomach and motions As per doctor advice I'm using medicines ( rifagut-550,Drotin-M and pantop dsr) but no change please help me with right medications
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Covid related

Sir/madam My mom took covid vaccine today And she takes these medicines daily Rifagut 550,stalopam plus, veloz d ,olmat20, ageless tab.. Should i give her medicines as usual or should i stop bcz she's vaccinated today.
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Pain in lower left side of abdomen

I am having issue of dull type constant oain on lower left side of abdomen since 7-8 days also have orobkem of mild constipation. My bowel is not clear, i am using laxative which creates loose motion but still my bowel is not clear. What should i do i have taken rifagut and vls3 probiotic .
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Stomach burning

From last three days I am facing severe upper stomach burning all the time and indigestion and pain yesterday onwards I started to take rifagut 200 mg two times a day so pain and indigestion is improving.but still burning.from last 2 months I am having librax two times a day,rabilife 20 mg one time a day .what to do
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Potty problems

I changed my potty timing so if I go some other timing I need to go restroom 5-6 times.y so.dr gave me gut renew capsules and rifagut 400.i don't know what happened to me.i was not having any pain in stomach after taking this medicine I am getting pain left stomach down.y so.
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Loose motions

Many years ago my mom had intestine infection which later on after proper diagnosis was cured. After that she rarely had loose motions However on last Tuesday she had severe loose motions. We consulted Geastro and he advised to take Tufpro oral suspension and Rifagut for infection. After having it for one week she hasn't recovered fully. Doctor has advised for colonscopy.
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Sgpt significane

Sir I have frequent indigestion I have taken blood test , after taking medicine for 4 days result are normal expect sgpt is 58 sgpt 26 Alkaline phasphate 136 ggt 25 and I have taken ornicef twice a day , econorm once a day , enerzol 5 tsf three times a day , rifagut twice a day , nexpro 40 once a day
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