Recently Answered Questions on Rifagut


Stomach swelling and stomach pain

The problem  is that of my daughter and its written from her perspective. "Since 2018 I am having this problem where my stomach gets swelled and I have some pain in the lower abdomen area. It happens after 2 or 4 months or once in a month. Specially if I have eaten rice at some place else. But after taking medication suggested by my doctor it goes away after two day. Medications I take- 1. RIFAGUT 2. NEXPRO L" My main question is why does it keep on happening and what is its solution.
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High sgpt and sgot, mild fatty liver.

Mild fatty liver, boarder line spleen enlargement, sgpt 279, sgot 141. Taking normaxin rt, rifagut 400, nusam 400, bevon tab from 4 days. Now can i take hepamarz syrup with this medicines to lower the sgpt level faster???
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Gas infection

I have I.b.s. . when rifagut 400 not show any improvement 5 days why should use 6 days more. Right now i dont have ulcer. I have just motion problem. My dont completely fresh in mirning due to indigestion and gasIbs is gastro disease or pshycatrist. Gastro refer me to dermatologist and dermatogist refer psychiatrst . which is better
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Loose motion

My mother have to go to toilet 2 or 3 times a day and it is of watery nature. When she was talking VIBACT and Rifagut 400 under doctor's prescription she was OK. Now again same problem has started. Should I continue with same medication or any different medicines can be taken? She has taken stool test also, but it was also normal.
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Constant Loose Stools

I am suffering from IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) since i started doing night shifts, i have taken Rifagut , Doralac for loose stools it stopped during the course but getting loose stools when i stop taking medication. Could anyone provide diet plan as i am doing night shifts now to cope with IBS
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Gastritis abdomen pain

Very disturb middle abdomen. pain .m taking nexpro l tablet.lot of gas abdomen very tight upper middle abdomen.please help..m submitting latest blood report ct scan nd.can i take rifagut for it dypepsia because i have gastritis nd epigastric pain that does not heall what the treatment of dyspepsia or gastritis best treament.can i take rifagut 200 mg for gastritis nd dyspepsia nd what medicine please helpp..treatment of dyspepsia gastritis fatty liver disease.left side lower abdomen paim
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Gas,i digestion constipation

I am suffering from gas problem in morning only gas paas no motion occur. I have shownmany doctors since 1 year.Every doctor says your food not digest. My endoscopy negative. Lft,kft,iron, all body test negative. My current medicine prothiaden 50 mg three times a day after meal. Two times empty stomach pan it for gas. For constipation freego powder lactitol monohydrate+ isabgol at night. Petril MD 0.5 mg at night. UNIENZYME two times after meal and rifagut 400mg two times after meal. But only 50% relief by rifagut. I think I have stomach infection. Should I take ornof or azithral500 mg two times plz suggest.
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Irritable Bowl Syndrome

I have been suffering from an intestinal infection since 3 years now it's not going away. I had a CT scan in which it showed mucosal fold thickening in jejunal an ileal loop and 9 mm mesentric lymph nodes...i had my ers also increased that is 53 after the course of antibiotics I got normal my ers became normal with rifagut and econorm also calprotectin test was normal but again it started happening since 3 weeks so I started having econorm plus I am having mouth ulcers frequently...... my weight is also 38 not increasing ...... I just want to ask if I could take rifagut and econorm again for a week....Please help...
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I am suffering from gas problem in morning only gas paas no motion occur. I have shownmany doctors since 1 year.Every doctor says your food not digest. My endoscopy negative. Lft,kft,iron, all body test negative. My current medicine prothiaden 50 mg three times a day after meal. Two times empty stomach pan it for gas. For constipation freego powder lactitol monohydrate+ isabgol at night. Petril MD 0.5 mg at night. UNIENZYME two times after meal and rifagut 400mg two times after meal. But only 50% relief by rifagut. I think I have stomach infection. Should I take ornof or azithral500 mg two times plz suggest.
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Feeling not settling my stomach problem

Actually one doc answer is ] Loose motion can be due to bowel infection or some times drug induced.The most important aspect is to take plenty of oral liquids / ORS powder 2-3 teaspoon in one glass of Luke warm water for 3-4 times a day. You can take tablet RIFAGUT 400MG (1-0-1) after meal for 3-4 days. Be on semisolid / liquid diet. In case of non settling kindly show to a nearby Gastroentrologist. This shal I take Rifagut-tablet now or after the course of orni o
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